Chapter 2

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I was both shocked and scared when I saw another dragon. I walked closer the the dragon. It was clearly female by the smoothness of her scales and her curves. She was light sky blue her chest scales were a beautiful yellow and her wings were a regular blue that faded to the light blue at her legs, she had a sea dragon tail and a black ice tail mixture with a green feather on the end that was very large and those types of tail are very rare because the feather is capable of turning into a very powerful bunch of sharp shards her horns and back spikes were a ice purple. I've only seen that pattern once from only one dragon...

It was my sister!

" MOONLIGHT! MOONLIGHT GET UP ARE YOU OK?!" The beautiful dragon woke up instantly and was ready to attack until she saw me . " three moons, Nightclaw you scared me half to death I thought you were a human!" She said in a playfully relieved voice. We embraced each other and for once ever since I woke up I was happy, even though there was so much going on moonlight just made everything seem to vanish. But only for a moment, it had hit me that we needed to escape and we needed to do it fast.

We had searched every inch of the room and couldn't figure it out " this is going to be A LOT harder than I thought" moonlight said in a exhausted tone . I sighed and stood up for a drink of water, moonlight close behind me. It felt like I was getting hit in the head with rocks because of my headache. It was quiet which was unusual. Eventually I broke the silence "what are we gonna do, we can't let them do this to us but we don't have our magic, sometimes I wish father was still alive.." I said in a somber tone " so do I but wishing and complaining won't get us out . I have a plan , when the humans want use for an experiment, don't resist just go with them. That way we can see out in the hall after a few weeks we should have a escape plan from then. Obverse as much as you can" she said . The plan was well in place and i was ready to put it in action,the only problem was we had to wait until we were taken for it to work.

I gradually got more impatient until the door swung open. They wanted me. I wanted to fight back and show them how wrong they were to form this stupid company but moonlight just gave me a glance and I knew as much as I wanted to, I had to hold back, take it slow for now. As they got closer to me one of the men got ready for me to fight back but was shocked when I didn't. They attached chains to my front legs,one on my neck and one clipped to my muzzle. Moonlight and I exchanged looks as I was pulled out the door. I noticed how much bigger the door was compared to the humans but it made sense because of our size. I'm 26 feet 7 inches in height, no wonder their scared of me , not only am I a extremely powerful creature I'm also tall as fuck.I had forgotten about the plan for a brief moment and started looking around without making it suspicious. I looked out a window and from my naked eye it seemed I was on the 38th floor and there was clearly still more because the elevator still had a button to go up.

We get to the room and there's a bed like table with chains . It was clear those were to hold me down. I saw all these utensils on the table and immediately I got agitated. The humans realized this quickly and they started with the first experiment. They drugged me with anesthesia and as I got weaker they strapped me to the table. I saw more doctor-like humans come into the room as the 4 guards appeared to be leaving, but 2 stayed on the inside on either side of the door frame while the other two did the same on the outside in the hall. The humans picked up the sharp objects and got closer to me. My eyes felt heavy and I clawed for my consciousness but it was no use . The last thing I saw was the light above me get brighter and brighter as I fell into the ocean of thoughts and drowned in unconsciousness. Vulnerable for the humans to do as they please.

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