Chapter 7 (Mention of suicide and basically how I actually feel right now)

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(I think I'm getting better)
They had found us...
Although, they were not aware we had a human form but surely it wouldn't take them long to find out our little trick. We had to finish what we came here for

Destroy earth..

But we were nowhere near ready. It's would still be. A couple years before we turned back. The school year was almost over so we would surely have a new school farther away. That should buy us some time. E.D.U.C.A.T.E was the name of they company looking for us but they were located in Texas, America while we were in Alberta, Canada. Maybe we could move to Germany. Our humans were part German anyway, whatever, we need a plan but we still have time so we knew to think it out carefully.

(Time skip)

The last day of school finally came and I cried. I was leaving the place the brought me joy and none of my friends or moonlight would be at the high school I was going to. It felt like I would never see them again. Moonlight was getting too attached to her human life and practically forgot her dragon life. It saddened me. I was in grade 9 at a school I don't know and I know nobody there. I was alone, I attempted suicide twice by overdose. None worked, I was forced to go through therapy and the only thing I looked forward to was posting on an app called TikTok. I had 250 followers and I posted one video without my dragon mask and the app deleted my account... late 2023 and early 2024 as been the worst.
I am at the bottom. I hate my life and I have nobody but I am forced to push through. I want to see moonlight again but we don't talk anymore. We still love each other but it feels like she's just someone I used to know...
I want to end it, I don't want to live anymore and I don't want to be a human. People say I'm human and being a therian is cringe but it's who I am. I know I'm a dragon but why can't I turn back? I'm stuck in this human form for the rest of my life.. E.D.U.C.A.T.E never found us and I assume they forgot about us or gave up. My friend group is falling apart, moonlight doesn't talk and Sierra does only sometimes. Dawn and Hadley are the only ones i still constantly hang out will online. This human life is killing me..

I want to go home....

To my planet...

.....with moonlight and continue our rein as Queens...

But it's all gone... and I can only die as a human...

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