Good Morning-1

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Pic of Peirce Broken>>>> lol.


Peirce Broken p.o.v.

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed as if it were a trampoline. And then suddenly the covers were ripped off of me and cold ass water was dumped on me. I sprang off the bed as soon as it touched me.

"MOTHER FUCKER! WHAT THE HELL!?!?" I growled fiercely looking at the Beta twins, Jack and Jake. Who were already pale and shaking. Good it'll teach them a lesson not to disturb me while I rest peacefully. But book karma just HAS to be a bitch.

"We tried to get you up, but you didn't listen. Alpha D told us to wake you up, no matter what it took. And look, you're up", Jake replied laughing nervously. Jack joined him but both looked frantic.

I sighed. Only these two would do that to me. Besides my dads of course. Yes, I have two dads. Others would be shitting their pants right now.

"You are dismissed", I said flicking my hand that was dripping with cold ass water.They scurried out like mice, but both wouldn't fit through my door frame at the same time. Morons. I kicked both of them in their asses and they fell with an 'oofs' sound at the same time also. I chuckled and shut the door. I hopped in the shower and thought for awhile of what I'm gonna wear to my great grannys funeral. Yeah, she finally died. She was 107 when she died. Hunters, they just dont give up, do they? Selica was a very powerful witch, so she died looking like she was only 28. She "supposely" got raped and murdered. At least, that's what the humans think. Well, what the hell am I suppose to do? Show 'em her decaying body? No. I severely dont think so.

Walking downstairs wearing a black suit and silk black shirt and classic shoes. I grumbled "hello" to people bowing their head in respect of me. My dad was in the kitchen making pancakes refusing to let Audrey(our pack cook) cook, because she's 4 months pregnant. I know, I know, why not? Because werewolves have their pups early. 1 month is actually 2 months into pregnancy for a human. So 4 months is like the 8th month into it. Dad, being him, absolutely refused to let her cook. She fused but he told her mate Max, third in command, to take her to bed. Which, he happily did.

" Hi Peirce! Good morning!", my perky dad chirped like a freakn morning bird. God, how does he get up with that type if energy?

"Fine. Oh just perfect. Waking up to bouncing people, covers being pulled off of me, and oh! Did I forget to mention the cold water? Yeah. I have a wonderful morning going on", I told him sarcastically.

"Good", he said smiling completely not fazed by the violation of my morning. I always have a terruable morning.

"Peirce, dont be sarcastic to him", my pa told me coming down the stairs kissing my dad. Yeah remember me telling you I had two dads? Well its true. Theres my pa who is the main Alpha, his name is Dantonialin or D. He brown hair like mine, strong well over fit body, tan, and always has face that says "dont touch me". But dad? His name is Anthony, or Tony. He is small but fit, dirty blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes like mine, Palish tan like me, and has a heart shaped face. How is it possible? Well wolves who have she-wolves as a wolf can reproduce. My dad has a female wolf, Anna. Me? I have female wolf named Penny.Hey! Dont judge me! She's always lazy. Except when she's allowed to run. Pfff. Lazy bitch.

"I heard that. And I am not a dog" Penny said.

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