Mirror,Mirror on the wall

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Questions? (You all see him in the next chapter)

Pic of Glass Hearts>>> :p

Peirce p.o.v.--

Me and Penny didn't see our mate, but she said she sensed something on the mirror. So we just went home, and got a lecture from dad and pa about birth control for when I do meet my mate. You see, only dad and pa know that I have she-wolf. Because if other enemy packs find out that a mate-less she wolf is ruling a pack... well its like hold fresh meat in the face of a rabid dog.

I sighed. At school, people stereotype me as a big shot, jock, Mr. Popular, "ladies man", and etc. But I am not a "ladies man", I am gay. But I am captain of the foot ball team, captain of the basketball team, honors student, and I am popular. But I dont talk down to others. The only thing I'm failing is a mate.

I sighed again and got up to inspect this "special" mirror. I jerked the white cloth off the mirror and checked it out. It was framed with jewels. Sapphires, rubies, diamonds, amythest, emeralds, and all different other types of jewels. Behind the jewels were silver and it had gold swirls twirling acrossed it.

"Breath-taking", was all I could say. Its magnificents out standed me by its sight. I looked in the mirror and looked at myself.
What do you think he'll see?!?

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