When ur a Worlock-5

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Thanks for voting or whatever the notification said XD. Sorry if you dont like this, but I'm trying its my first story. Besides Fangful Love but I'm trying. Enjoy sorry for the late updates I went on vacation to cabins for awhile. And my phone shut down. Grr...but enjoy.

If you dont like it, ignore it.

Peirce p.o.v.-

I rolled over just to be trapped. I groaned but i weirdly felt relieved, then the memories about yesterday made me blush the color of roses. I heard a chuckled , but when i looked Glass layed still as if he were still sleep. I sighed, maybe it's just me. I took a moment to get a good at my delightful mate. His features were relaxed, his eyelashes that were blonde covered his beautiful carmel eyes. He had a strange scar that was from his left jaw to his neck. The thought of someone hurting him enraged me. I wonder how old he is. I mean he looks my age. But my parents said that he's been in that mirror for 1,000 years...so he could be any age. A soft laugh pulled me out of my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about, love?"

I snapped my head toward the sound only to see Glass looking at me with a face of amusement. I blushed harder and looked away, only to be stopped by a soft yet sturdy hand.

"Dont hide from me, love" he said in a stern and gentle voice.

"Why do you call me "love"? Are you British? Where did you come from? How old are you? How did you end up in a mirror? Why?-...I'm babbling aren't I?" I said blushing more. Errr! I use to not blush at all. What is he doing to me?

He chuckled,"its all right. You need to know"

He took a deep breath ,"I call you love because you're my beautiful mate. I'm British, I come from England. I'm 1,522 years old, I ended up a mirror because I couldn't find my mate after a couple hundred years so I started to worry. I went to see a coven of witches the "Gaia" coven. They said that you didn't even exist. So I asked them to put me in the mirror. They called it the timeless mirror. I didn't know what they meant until I didn't age after awhile. Your great gran Mrs.S was still in her mothers womb. Her powers sent me into the mirror till I found my mate. P.S. you. If you accepted me, I walk free. If you didnt, I would wait another thousand something years. But I knew as soon as I seen you...there would never be another that would captivate my attention the way you do. And no. Dont ever stop your so called "babbling", I love it when you do that, love. You talk your mind and your not afraid to do it"

I blushed and smiled. "That old?"

He smiled, "Whats the matter, love?", he climbed on top of me,"Dont like older men? That's not what you thought last night when you--"

I cut him off by missing him passionately. I deepened the kiss and we battled for dominance. He slipped his hand down the sheets where I lay still in my birthday suit. He gripped my butt and trailed his mouth down to where my mark was. As soon as he made contact with it electricity shot through my body. Out if my weakness, Penny took advantage and took over my body. She growled. Which Glass noticed and stopped kissing me.

"Well...well...well, who do we have here,?" He said in a deep sexy voice and yet seductive.

"Penny. Peirce's wolf, got a problem?",she growled.

"Hmmm..." he said tilting his head back. "I love your name Penny. I find it lovely that Peirce has a magnificent female wolf"

I shivered when he said Penny in his British accent. Penny fixed her gaze at where our mark should be. Key word, should. Penny flipped us so he was below us.

"Ummm....dominant much, love?"

"Very",she said growling seductively.

With that she ripped off his shirt. Yeah, RIPPED. He grabbed my hips and grinded them with his. Penny growled and losses hot wet kisses to his old time trousers. She took them off along with his under garments, and took his hard member in my mouth. He rolled his head back moving in rhythm with my head bobbing back and forth. He hissed,"I'm coming!"

Then with a quick movement I took over and bite his soft spot on his neck, marking him. Forever claiming him as ours. Then took him back in our mouth again sucking hard and his hot seeds seeped down my throat. He tasted like vinella. I licked the mark on his neck and he moaned my name and Pennys. I wrapped my arms around his chest and cuddled with him.


"Hmm?", he said running his hands through my brown hair.

"Are you ready?"

"For what, love?"

"To meet my family"

He stopped all movements and groaned. Then mumbled something.

I laughed ,"You waited to get your mate. But your not prepared for his family?"

He grumbled again.


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