Dearest Family-6

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I hope you enjoy this. Took me awhile. XD lol. *Sexual part*

Peirce p.o.v.

I woke up feeling refreshed. Which is very unusual. I loved it. I looked over to see Glass already watching me. I blushed and turned away.

"Peirce, do you remember what I told you?" He growled. Oh yeah, my bad. I slowly looked over at him, he looked pleased and satisfied when I did so.

"Good boy. Now, lay down and roll over", he said cockly. In a flash I was on top of him, and growled.

We are not a damn dog! He will show us some respect!, Penny demanded at me

Damn right!

"You will not speak to us in such manner! Do you understand?!", I growled out. Pinning him underneath me holding his hands above his head. He didn't say anything so I took it the hard way.

"I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!", he was still quiet.

" Still quiet? Well the hard way it is", I growled. He cocked his eyebrow as if saying 'and what will you do look'. I straddled him and started grinding my hips on him. And every time he would try to buck his hips, I would get off and start over. He started struggling with his hands. Ha! You deserve to be tortured for disrespecting me.

"I understand! Jesus! Please stop this! It is very unfair!", he yelled out. I stopped and got off of him letting go of his hands. He sighed in relief.

"I'm going to take care of my problem you created", he said grudgedly. I looked over and seen his hard on. I looked away restraining from fixing it for him. He grabbed his trousers & undergarments and went to the bathroom. I sighed and got dressed in a black tight shirt, grey skinny jeans, and fixed my bed head. I headed downstairs and told my pa to have every one gather up. It should be easy it's Saturday and every trains today. Our pack consists of every supernatural. Witches, Warlocks, Mermen and women, Werewolves (of course), Vampires, Shape-Shifters, and Hybrids of all sorts. Even some were-cats. Our pack is the Mystic Pack. Meaning mystical creatures. I stopped and looked at my mark on my neck in another bathroom. It was beautiful to say at the least. But different. Warlocks and witches usually stamp you with their name. But powerful ones write with their fingers and show their symbol, so others will their mate alone. I studied it. 'Glass Jinx Heart' and next to it was a picture or symbol of a glass rose. When I touched it it actually felt like a real glass rose. Cool. His name was written in a cursive type of manner like the old days. Well the guy is 1,522 years old, give him some credit. I walked in the kitchen to see Glass shirtless and half the teen girls giggling and googling over him. He had scars and his shoulders were hunched up, so the girls couldnt see the mark of my wolf and my name. Grrrr... Everybody stopped and looked at me. Oh, did I growl out loud? My bad. Not.

Glass raised and eyebrow,"What took you so long, love?"

"I got distracted, OK?", I said bored. My dad walked in and froze when he saw Glass sitting on a stool shirtless and stared. Great.

Hey Pa.


Better get down here

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