#4: Loop

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Eclipse and Moon had arrived at the..Soup kitchen.

Moon found KC, and Signaled him to come out.

"Where is he?????" Eclipse groaned, just than a heavy tapping sound started.

"There he is, KC always walks on his heels." Moon replied laughing

"You called for me?" KC said,

"Yeah, we need your help" Eclipse said.

KC was stunned to see Eclipse, and looked over at Moon.

"Don't worry, he's not gonna hurt us" Moon laughed.

"I'm assuming you'd know what being corrupted means?" Eclipse asked

KC nodded.

"Well, Sun is corrupted."

KC's eyes widened with horror.

"Where is he now?!" KC asked.

"Probably still at the pizza ple-"
Moon and Eclipse remembered, Sun was gonna kill everyone at the pizza Plex!

"We have to get back, before he gets the stars" Moon spoke

"You fools! Why did you leave the stars with him?!" KC yelled.

"Whoops?" Eclipse tried to make the situation better

"Brb" Moon interrupted, Grabbed Eclipse's hand and dashed out"

Moon had squeezed Eclipse's hand so he wouldn't let go, every time it got squeezed Eclipse felt butterflies.

They rushed back to the daycare, to see Sun there, they peaked in, Moon looked for minute or 2, before he got back.

Moon began tearing up. He couldn't see his brother like the way he did.

Eclipse backed of as well, and hugged the night themed animatronic.

Afterwards, they sneaked in, at the ashes of the balcony, Moon whispered to Eclipse

"Stay here and guard, I'll get the stars"

Eclipse nodded as Moon went in to the ashes of his room.

He began looking for the stars but accidentally pushed off a glass painting, making a loud noise.

"F0ûñd yøú"

Moons heart jumped to his throat as he heard that sound, he could feel himself shaking.

On the other hand Eclipse was stuck looking at the scene, he slapped himself

"I had one job. One job." He mentally yelled at himself

Sun took him from one arm, and threw him across the room. approaching him.

Eclipse took this chance to leap forward and grab the star.

Just than Moon remembered the drainers Eclipse had given him, he quickly pulled one out and used it on Sun,

he placed it down and ran for his life, grabbing Eclipse and the other star.

Jumping off the balcony in one swift movement,

Just as they landed, Moon fell to his knees, as he had been flung across the room.

"Moon!" Eclipse yelled, He picked Moon up and ran back to his base. Stopping at the elevator ones again.

Moon pulled out his phone, not caring about his wounds and called Monty.

"Moon! Your alive!"

"Where are the others?"

"Calm down there here"


"Where are you 2"

"Still at the pizza Plex

"Wheres Sun"

"He's down for now..Do me a favour and take the stars"

The gator closed the call, and let his hand from a portal, that randomly appeard.

The elevator stopped, and someone pulled open the doors, Monty pulled Moon in,

Moon reaching his hand to Eclipse, both successfully landing in.


Lunar yelled.

"ThankGod you 2 Are okay" Ves spoke. Helping Moon up.

"Come here, u 2, well get u repaired.

Corruption Falls Book #1Where stories live. Discover now