#6: We meet again

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Eclipse still couldn't sleep, Moon was dozed off on his right arm and shoulder and they felt numb, He didn't want to wake Moon up, Suddenly, no like literally out of the blue he blinked and was teleported somewhere else,

" H3ll0! L0ng T1m3 n0 s33 Fr13nd!!!" The corrupted animatronic stood beside him, tilting his head, ''Where am I!? Where have you brought me you monster!" Eclipse finished his sentence, and quickly realized in the future, this is where Moon gets badly injured. "I as$um3 y0u alr3ady kn0w what t0 d0 $1nc3 y0ur fr0m th3 fu3tur3!!" C.Sun spoke, Eclipse couldn't waste anytime, he rushed away from C.Sun & dashed towards the scraps of the broken daycare, where everyone had been teleported, He couldn't waste any time, He saw Moon standing and pushed him out of the way, Having the large wall piece falling on him, "ECLIPSE!" Moon yelled seeing Sun coming closer, Ves pulled Moon by the hand and parkoured like a pro out of the scraps, and back into the portal of Monty's!. The wall wasnt that heavy but managed to Break Eclipse's leg and arm, and twitched of parts of his rays, C.Sun threw the wall aside, and turned to Eclipse, "L00ks l1ke 1ts th3 3nd 4 y0u!!" 

Before Sun could destory him, Monty pulled Eclipse into the portal, leaving Sun with the chaos. "S3R1OU$LY!!!" on the other side, Eclipse's systems were crashing and he powered off, Moon quickly rushed through his systems to find the emergency repair options, 


Moon had managed to repair Eclipse, and had been sitting awake the whole night with him until he woke up, "Eclipse.exe powering on" The system turned on, Eclipse's rays shifted as his opened his eyes, "what happed-" "Thank god you're awake" Moon hugged Eclipse as he recalled his memory. 

Eclipse blushed on Moon's hug, and after he pulled away he asked if Sun had been stopped, "Yeah, Monty pulled you away last minute leaving Sun with the chaos!" Moon spoke and Eclipse sighed with relief, Moon couldn't help it anymore, His eyes were shutting with tiredness, and he rubbed his eyes, "You seem tired, you should go to sleep." "But its almost day-" "Nobody cares, you need to sleep Moon!" Eclipse ordered in a rather louder voice, He was about to leave when Moon grabbed him back with his hand

"If I need to sleep you need to stay with me as well" Moon said sarcastically,

Eclipse groaned but finally agreed, and rested his head on his shoulders,

Moon dozed off a while later..

"Why does he look so cute and innocent when he's asleep" Eclipse thought to himself, and layed Moon on his bed, sitting on the corner of the bed with his head on the wall, Eclipse thought to himself and felt guilt of everything he had done to Sun and Moon for the past years, 

"why are u frowning" Said a voice

Eclipse flinched and looked down to see Lunar looking up at him with his big googly eyes,

"Oh, its you" Eclipse sighed,

Lunar climbed on top of the bed and onto Eclipse's lap.

"What do you want, you're gonna wake Moon up" Eclipse whispered 

Lunar snuggled into Eclipse's arms and refused to get off

Eclipse had to admit, he hadn't feel any kind of affection in a long time, and being with these people truly changed him.

"Maybe I should've changed sooner.." He thought to himself 

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