#8: End Game

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"Why are you staring at me?" Moon asked

"Cus I'm bored, plus I got nothing to do here!" Eclipse replied

"If you wanna make yourself useful go and get the tapes we recorded of Sun"

"We have recorded tapes??" Eclipse laughed

"Yes we have, go and get them from my room!" He replied

"Okay, okay"

Eclipse took her gun and left.

On the way, his old evil mind returned and started to tell him to go and hunt for Sun, tie him with a rope and torcher him like he used to.

"*God, why am I thinking about this!?*" He tried to get that thought of his head, but looks likes like his desire came true as a loud glitching sound came from behind the elevator Eclipse was in.

"Oh well I guess its time to die!" He thought to himself and held his gun on trigger.

After a long glitch, the surrondings became silent and it sounded like someone was crawling up the elevator.

The mysterious thing crawled on top and starting snipping of the elevator cables.

Eclipse held his breath and looked above.

After a couple seconds, the elevator began falling.

Eclipse screamed at the top of his lungs as the elevator fell to the very last level before getting stuck.

He felt dizzy as all the lights went out and it was pitch black, he turned on his eye lights wondering how the hell he was gonna escape, and just than the elevator opened.

It wasn't the utility tunnels, something far far below.

He got out and walked threw the hallways.

It looked like it was old facility. There were broken and dismantled robots everywhere, oil and water leaking and ofcorse darkness.

Eclipse wasn't here to explore, he just wanted to get out.

He walked around for a good 30 minutes before his phone rang, startling him

"Y-y-yes?!" He panicked

"Eclipse it's been two hours, where are you?" Moon replied

"And why is your voice like that?" He continued

"Well- I might or might have not used the elevator again and enconturned your crazy brother who cut the elevator ropes and now im somewhere so below even below the utitlity tunnels and there's dead bots here!" Eclipse yelled in one breath

"WHAT?!" Moon screamed

"D-don't yell at me!"

"Eclipse describe you're surrondings!" Moon demanded 

"uh- there's a lot of dismantled animatronics, water and oil leakings, petroleum stench and a lot of tubes"

"Are you sure that's not the utility tunnels?"

"No its not! I'm sure of it!!"

"Well that that's not on the faz map!"

"which floor is it?"




the phone call mysteriously hanged up

on the other side Eclipse was frozen in shoke, a tall thin figurine which resembled the face of a monster could be seen. 

It had sharp a$s rays, that were like 3 feet long and long pointy fingers.

"haha- guess its the end for me" Eclipse said to himself before sprinting pass the creature.

"Wh3re d0 y0u th1nk yoUr3 g01ng" The creature spoke

Eclipse coild recognize that voice from a thousand miles away, it was Sun!

"what do you creature want from me!?" He screamed not dareing to look back

After running for a what felt like forever Eclipse went in an open room and locked himself in.

Eclipse tried to find vent or trapdoor, as Sun banged on the door

Luckily he found a vent in the corner of the ceiling.

Before getting in, he decided to take some pictures of the "bright" animatronic so Moon could study them.

The door crashed open and Eclipse flashed a gazillion screenshots before getting into the vent and running the hell out of there.

He managed to find the emergency staircase, dropped out of the vent and dashed.

 Nobody yet had tried going down there, but as long as Sun was alive, they couldn't rest.

Corruption Falls Book #1Where stories live. Discover now