Prologue + Disclaimer

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Nobody could have given him an age. Nobody knew him, even from afar.

He was always wearing a black hat. That was nothing extraordinary but it looked somewhat unique on someone of this kind. He always stood straight, unwavering. So unwavering that in the eyes of those who noticed him in the crowd, it was as if he was part of another world and he did not partake in the general effervescence.

Motionless, unwavering, he faced the breaking wave without moving a millimeter, like a rock whipped by the scum in the midst of a storm.

In short, only very few people lingered on him and his personality – did he at least have one ? – . After all, if someone does not speak, then they have nothing to say. After all, if someone does not move, then they have nothing to do. Therefore, this someone could only, by definition, be awfully boring.



Hello everyone !
I'm starting this Ateez story today, I hope you will enjoy it ! 🥰
However, I feel like I must warn you beforehand : this story will contain a lot of violent scenes and sensitive topics such as human experiments. Some members of Ateez will have dubious morals and more than the half of them will be part of an ilminist sect.
Ilminism is a Korean ideology similar to fascism and defends the idea of racial superiority.
Those are absolutely not values conveyed by Ateez in real life, the objective is only to have an interesting plot.
Please, look forward to it !
Thank you so much ! 🥰

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