Chapter XIV

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Seoul, South Korea, February 1994.

Choi San could afford to pay for a nice flat in Seoul to live in during his studies, at least as beautiful as Mingi's, but he preferred living in a humbler place in order to avoid raising indiscrete questions. Therefore, he spent most of his time at Bora's, who also lived in a shared flat but she benefited from more space (and from a double-bed).

No one could have denied it, he was a tender and attentionate boyfriend. The young woman was always delving deeper into their passionate relationship.

That Saturday morning, he had woken up at 7 AM (because of a bad insomnia, nothing else) and had cooked kimchi pajeon quietly, patiently waiting for her to wake up. He had squeezed a few oranges before he slumped on the sofa to get immersed in the reading of a very confidential document he had disguised in a scientific manual.

Bora got up around 9 AM, bundled up in her winter dressing gown. She ruffled his hair affectionately before she flopped on the sofa next to him. The kimchi pajeon plate on the table caught her attention, so she helped herself and stuffed her mouth full. San patiently waited ten minutes before he started a conversation, otherwise she would have been in a despicable mood. It was not a secret anymore ; she was not a morning person at all.

-You slept well ?

-Damn I should marry you Choi, she sighed contently with a full mouth.

He found it a bit curious how all the members of the community had naturally started calling him by his last name. He did not mind it, though.

-I see you're already looking ahead, he said as he tenderly cuddled her.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stared at his enigmatic boyfriend with a serious look.

-You know I love you madly, Sannie. Never have I felt something comparable in any of my previous relationships, never. What I'm about to say might sound awfully sappy but I feel like you are the love of my life, I want to spend my whole existence with you.

It wasn't the first time he had heard such statements. And despite his lack of empathy, it always made a big impression on him. To have someone look him straight in the eyes and tell him they would be with him no matter what, that they would try to understand him in any way they could... it reassured whatever fears he was hiding.

He loved that she loved him.

He faked an apprehensive pout as he traced small circles on Bora's cheek.

-I can see a "but" coming...

-Yes, you're right. I feel like our relationship is at a standstill. We study, we go out, we laugh, we fuck and so on without going any further, without anything changing. I feel like you're stopping us from doing so, that something is blocking you.

-What do you mean by "going further" ?

-I want you to meet my family and I want to meet yours as well. I want to meet the people who made such a great person out of you.

San had seen this type of requests coming, he knew they were unavoidable and was prepared.

-I would gladly meet your parents, of course ! I don't fear this moment at all. It's only that... things are more complicated about my family.

-Why so ?

-Both of my parents died five years from now, and I am an only child. In consequence, I don't have anyone to introduce you.

Her eyes widened.

-Oh my God ! I am sincerely sorry for your loss... What happened to them ?

-Car crash. We were on a trip around Jirisan. I could have gone hiking with them but I chose to hang out with new friends I made in the village where we stayed. After the accident, I was sent to my aunt's and lived with my cousins for a few months before I reached the legal age. Afterwards, I found a colocation and started my studies with the inheritance money.

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