Chapter VIII

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Seoul, South Korea, May 1993.

Bora had had the fidgets for days, itching to reveal her role in the community to her new boyfriend. A blind man would have noticed her odd behavior.

That definitely meant the occult sciences held a key role in their mission. What kind of things those students might be doing after school ?

Honestly, San felt more and more like a movie star caught up in a tacky plot.

Hongjoong was driving. He looked really nervous. San could have empathized a bit, but feelings were not his strong suit.

-You don't look comfortable, Jjoong.

-I've been concerned.

-What about ?

-I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing.

-What ? About getting invested in ilminism ?

The eminent young man glared at him, offended that one could doubt his determination and the absolute devotion he had towards his convictions.

-What the hell are you saying ?! No ! Never !

-What then ?

-Maybe I judged you too quickly.

-What do you mean ?

-You're weird, I can never understand your true state of mind.

San burst out laughing. His friend glared at him for a second time, the stress making him visibly crankier.

-You are wondering if you have given me your trust too soon, right ?

-You can say that.

-I guess you'll find out soon enough.

The ceremony took place in Mingi's flat where the whole community had already been waiting for them. Bora was fidgeting on her feet with impatience. Before they came in, Hongjoong and San had to comply with the requirements of the "Master". No watches, no hats, no shoes, strict personal hygiene... Mingi must not have had an easy life, living in the same place as this strange individual.

San was barely stepping into the entrance that his girlfriend was already throwing herself in his arms. They did not kiss however, because fluid exchanges were prohibited as well.

Mingi happily shared his late-night anecdotes ; because of the Master's strict policies about hygiene, he was always obliged to finish his business in the toilets of the nightclubs, or he persuaded the girls to crash at their place rather than his. He and Yunho were very close childhood friends, they did everything together. The latter was very reserved, almost invisible next to his acolyte who was always trying to get everyone's attention and San suspected that he often cleaned up the mess after him, dealing with the aftermath of the older's rudeness towards girls. The dynamic of their friendship was quite odd.

The writer should probably dig a bit more into their business, he would definitely find something interesting to use as a blackmail, just like he already threatened Wooyoung.

-Hi man ! Are you okay ? Not too stressed ?

Oh, that spectral voice, it intrigued him so much !

The eldest of the group was dressed in an impeccable white shirt, large pants and socks of the same bright color. Hongjoong had clearly specified the dress-code, which the writer had followed to the letter, even though he was not expert enough in laundry to obtain the same bright white as them.

-No, I'm okay.

-That's because you don't know what we're gonna do yet.

Mingi displayed a predatory smile. The whole thing was meant as a joke but a hint of truth was hidden behind those words. In fact, truth was hidden everywhere, including in the smallest details of a supposedly perfect scene.

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