New Life in NY

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It was Sunday morning when we got ready to move into our new house in New York. We packed our things and went to New York in our car. We all were excited except me. Talking about me, I'm Adriana, an introvert wearing glasses and I almost look like a nerd. I'm pretty intelligent in schoolwork and was in the top 10 in my class. I didn't get bullied for my looks but I was still insecure about my appearance. While these thoughts drooled in my mind, we reached our new home. It was a nice comfy house, I thought. I had a separate room for me and we unloaded our things. We were to go to the new high school the next day. I felt nervous at the very thought of it. I didn't know anyone and New York was new to me. I just hoped everything will be alright. 
The next day, was the big day. I got ready early and wore my usual clothes, a T-shirt and jeans. I liked to wear casual and fashion was not my interest. But I had always wanted to be a good first impression on everyone. After a few minutes of walking, I reached the school. I anxiously went in and was busy finding my class. After some searching, I finally found it. I nervously entered the class and the teacher introduced me as the new student. Next, I introduced myself in 2-3 lines and quickly went to sit in the back of the class. I felt the stares of everyone but tried to concentrate on the lessons. After some minutes, I felt alright. The girl next to me talked and introduced herself as Sofia. She looked just like me. I introduced myself and she was happy to meet me. We agreed to meet in the cafeteria. Soon the periods ended, and it was the interval. Me and Sofia headed to the cafeteria and got our trays of food and sat in a corner. She told that she didn't have many friends and was introverted. I felt like I finally found the perfect friend who could understand me at last. We talked more and I got to know that we had so much in common. We both were enjoying each other's company. That day, after I returned home, I felt that even though I was nervous at first, everything turned out great. Sofia supported me a lot in school and as a friend, she was friendly and kind. Time flew by and we had our first semester exams. We both aced the exam and were proud of ourselves. Everything was perfect until ......

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