Bestie's Crush

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It was only day one of Ethan's arrival. Sofia was talking all about him when we were having food in the cafeteria. I know she didn't even talk to him. Well, it's how introverts act. We don't really reach out and talk to new people and probably not when someone is our crush. So, I understood her situation. I listened to her attentively. "She likes him a lot," I thought.  I wished Ethan felt the same way. Well, someone has to take the first turn. Since she liked him, I wanted to her to actually *speak* to him. I knew that she would never talk to him. So I made a secret plan. I had to execute it tomorrow in the break. So I waited till tomorrow. We had our lessons and Ethan still sat beside Sofia. Then, the bell rang for the interval. I got alarmed that it was the time for me to get into action. Me and Sofia started to walk in the hallway. Like the previous day, Ethan was there. So, when we were walking near him, I pushed Sofia into him. She bumped her head on him and Ethan was startled. I didn't walk away from there cauz what if she gets panicked. Both Ethan and Sofia apologized each other. Wow! nobody saw that I pushed her! And then Ethan introduced him to us! I noticed that Sofia had already started to blush. He also talked to me while laughing weirdly. I just replied what he asked. I was clearly uninterested anyways. But I knew Sofia was having a good time. She only needed a little push.  And Ethan even wanted to hang out with us! He asked whether we can meet him in the evening. Iwonder why he didn't want to hang out only with my bestie. Whatever, we agreed and went back to work as normal.
I knew both of us going to meet Ethan would not make him like Sofia. So again, I made a plan. When it was the time that we had to go, Sofia called me and told that she had already gone to the place and had already met Ethan. She was begging me to come fast. Then it was the time for me to execute my plan. "I'm really sorry bestie, I.. I won't be able to come. My mother told me not to go. She gave me some stupid work to do. Sorry again. I hope you have a good time with Ethan" I lied laughing under my breath. She was shocked to hear it. Well I know she will have to spend the whole time with her *crush* all *alone*. I hung up the call and I was so happy that my plan worked. "It will be just like a date". I giggled. Then, I waited till tomorrow to know what had exactly happened. Well, it was unexpected.. TOO?!

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