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Jimin Pov:

I went for the second time thise week to the ugliest classroom there is in the school. I was 8 minutes early. Idk why but i was.

Jimin := yoo im here idiots.

?? := If you dont want your detention +2 hours then you sould come inside again and greet me normal jimin.

Jimin := Urgg....

Jimin := hi, im here. Good enough? Princepal Lee.

Princepal Lee := Fine! Uhhm about you detention ima head out to my office in like 10 minutes.

Jimin := Uhh okay soo? Why sould i care about that?

Princepal Lee := I think that Y/n is scared of you.

Jimin := HAHAHAHHAH do you think i didn't knew that alredy.

Princepal Lee := Or she's in love with you.

Jimin := I-i-n love?

This was the first time with a girl that I was surprised . Normally all the girls were in love with me and I was already used to it but this time it felt different. Was it she who drove me crazy? Or was Princepal Lee just making things up? 

Princepal Lee := Jimin i want you to figure it out.

Jimin := How?!

Princepal Lee := Idk how but just figure it out if she likes you of is afraid or whatever. okay?

Jimin := otherwise?

Princepal Lee := Jimin she's comming just do it .

Jimin := Idk.

Y/n Pov:

As i walked through the hallway my eyes were sticked on my phone i was in a groupchat with my 2 besties.


rose:                                                                                                                                                                                              Y/n are you going rn?

Grace:                                                                                                                                                                                           You now Jimin will be there right?

                                                                                                                                                                                         Me:                                                                                                                                                    yes i know and im going rn.                                                                        but why do you guys act so weird you know its just Jimin right .

Grace:                                                                                                                                                                                           Y/n i think you dont now Jimin well enough.

Rose:                                                                                                                                                                                             yea she's right Y/n he can be very weird.                                                                                                                     He can do very werid things too he did one time a thing with one girl but it wasn't that speciaal but the way he watched you idk if i can trust him.

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