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Chip, Steri and Dimitri were in the room as they were still stunned what they had seen.

Steri-He just gave up.

Dimitri-But why were they after him specifically?

Chip-Well, do you remember what the crow looked like?

Dimitri-No, it was all so sudden I think when I saw him first time, he had the shadowy figures frozen and he was really surprised too and then he turned into a crow and tried to get away.

Steri-So far we have seen, Atlas, Jabir, and your uncle Luka and the crow who's name we don't have.

Chip-What if they were in the top ten list and the figures wanted to get to them...

Dimitri-And if they were pulled into this black hole that's a portal then my uncle Luka didn't die.... well not at that moment anyway.

Steri, Chip and Dimitri looked at each other.

Dimitri-We need to add Kaius and the monkey boy too.


Dimitri-His name is too long.

Chip-Luka, Atlas, Jabir, N, Kaius, the crow...

Dimitri-Do we have all their weapons?

Chip-Yes, and once we get to the hideout I will start working on them...

Dimitri-Let's look around a bit more and then leave I'm not sure..... if they're the top students, I still have doubts ...

They all looked at the long hallways of the ruined and destroyed Akademia.

Chip-Think about it, it felt like they were running, like me and the rest of the Lumi Knights, we spent all our existences running from the humans on Nebula because we had rare genes and the top 10 students had something these shadowy figures wanted...

Dimitri-Let's go to the portrait hall.

They all started walking towards the hall.





Koala and Thea were walking as the festivals was happening, everyone was playing games, eating food, and drinking, some were playing to win prizes and some were performing dances, some were watching puppet shows made for children. Thea stopped walking looking at a flower with blue petals and thorns, glittering in white sparkles.

DIMITRI: ARROW TO THE PASTWhere stories live. Discover now