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                 KINGDOM OF MIRRORIA

Koala and Thea were standing in the crowd and Thea was looking at Koala furiously.

Thea-This entire time you've been lying to me.?

Koala-Oh look who's talking about lying, you had me arrested.

Thea-I also set you free.

Koala kept quiet.

Thea-I cannot believe you, see this is exactly the reason why don't like making friends.... they use me.

Koala-I never used you.

Thea calmed down.

Thea-I don't have the glove.

Koala looked at her

Thea-The lake gave it to me...

Koala -The let's go and see if it can give you back.

Thea-You know if you weren't under that dark spell I wouldn't help you.

Koala smiled.

Koala-I know but I really need it Thea...

Thea started walking as Koala followed her, they went to the lake

Thea-Where is it?

Koala-It's all dried up.

Koala and Thea looked at the place bewildered.




                       MAGIC AKADEMIA

Chip and Dimitri were walking in the hallway.

Dimitri-I don't like leaving Steri in the main hall alone.

Chip-I'm sure you don't.

Dimitri looked at Chip annoyed. They went into the classroom

Dimitri-This is where it all began.

He touched a jacket that was ripped apart as Dimitri opened his eyes, sitting in a classroom. He saw Luka standing there almost naked in his underwear.

Luka-And now embrace this.!

He threw all of the marks that were attached to his body towards the figure.

Luka-I need to get out of here and help my brother, but first let's get rid of them they're probably with my deranged uncle...

Dimitri-What?....all this is to kill the crown prince?....

DIMITRI: ARROW TO THE PASTWhere stories live. Discover now