i wanna know what love is

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i walked by as he winked at me then lifted up a magazine and said " we are freaks because we like to play a fantasy game he jumped on the table I just standing in line watching his every move like I was in a trance and he continued but if you're into science or band or parties or you like shooting balls into empty laundry baskets your normal a jock got up and said what you want some freak I wanted to rip the guys throat out Jon stood in front of me and said "don't please" I said ok I just feel like there is something about Eddie that he is my one true love but I can't figure out why" Jon smiled and said you will when the time is right. school ended and Jon and I were walking home I was thinking about Eddie Munson the whole time a van flew by us I heard the radio playing I Want To Know What Love Is I love that song it has such a deep meaning to it. Elizabeth I heard the van stopped Jon being Jon walked up to it first "oh hey Eddie Munson nice to meet you" I smiled when I heard his voice"Jon nice to meet you looking for Elizabeth right" Eddie went quiet not knowing how to act then he smiled and said" yeah is she ok to talk or should I just go " Jon smiled and said yeah hey Elizabeth Eddie Munson wants to talk to you" I walked over and blushed" hi what's up he said hey I just wanted to invite you to my band the Corroded Coffin at Hideout the local bar tonight" I looked at my brother and said " sure what time " he smiled and said seven" if you need a ride we can take you a voice said in the back seat Eddie looked at me and I said sure why not see you at seven" I walked away smiling and I heard Eddie said i hope she ment it ". I started my homework and was thinking about Eddie and all the bullshit I heard all day like stay away from him he is bat shit crazy or he is a horrible person or he will just hurt you. I looked at the time it was six and I took a shower and wore a skirt with fish net stockings and a black top put some makeup on and by that time it was almost seven I was getting nervous then Eddie pulled up no one else just him he opened my door and I got it "where is everyone at I asked him " he and I locked eyes his smile melted my heart " actually they are setting up and I wanted to spend some time with you" he could tell I was nervous he touched my hand and stopped the car we both had like a vision we both snapped out of it " Lizzy if you don't mind me calling you that what was that" he said almost wanting it again but was waiting for me response I looked at him " I don't know that's never happened before but I bet my brother would know let's enjoy the night and we will talk to him about it tomorrow ok." I wish he would have kissed me. We got to the hideout and I sat near the stage he rocked out to my surprise he was really good.  After every song he would wink at me the first time I blushed and turned away but I thought wait let him see me blush when the show was done he can down and said " so what did you think sweetheart" I smiled and replied " your really good my favorite was puppet master " he got up and started being so cute " you really liked it he said then he sat down looked me dead in the eye and said "your the first girl I feel close to like destiny shit " I had to smirk when he said that I was hesitant to take his hand but I did it anyway and the vision happened again but still not very clear. He shot up and said we have to talk to Jon this is getting intense so we left and headed to my house I walked in first and Jon was watching TV " hey um we Eddie Munson and I have to talk to you" Eddie came in " hello again " he said waving Jon shot me a look " about the visions right " I was in shock " how di-" he cut me off Elizabeth since we got here I have been having them too but they just come to me and I swear it's Dana but I am not sure and probably won't find out with her being with that Billy asshole" so I said can you tell me about mine? Jon said both of you sit take his hand Elizabeth I looked at Jon but" then he said it again "take his hand now concentrate" so I did and it happened this time a bit clearer. It was dark flashes of red light and  creepy creatures I wanted to stop when I heard  screaming knowing who was making the sound I heard Jon's voice "don't let go I am here with you it will be ok you need to see." Tears ran down my face I felt Eddie's grip get tighter and at the end I yelled "MOM" when I opened my eyes I slapped Jon " why did you make me see that why did Eddie have to see that" I looked at Eddie I went to speak and his eyes were different I blinked and they were back to the deep brown I fell for. "Lizzy he said what's wrong" I told Eddie what you just saw was our home it now belongs to a nasty blood thirsty creature that finds whoever he wants and kills them I took a breath and continued he killed our family. Jon got up and looked at the time "um it's getting late and we have school tomorrow Eddie you could crash here on the couch if you want" I smiled yeah right" Eddie said nah I will head home I will see you later jon" they shook hands and I walked out with Eddie we stood on the porch for a moment kiss me I thought right as he turned around to go to his van then he grabbed my wrist pulled me to him and our lips touched oh my God the spark.

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