We're Standing Here By The Abyss

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Faster than he thought possible, Phantom sprinted forward, diving towards the gaping maw of the pit. His fingers brushed Sodo's, and he grabbed the fire ghoul's hand. The weight nearly wrenched his arm out of its socket, but the adrenaline coursing through his veins like liquid fire more than made up for the pain.

"Sodo! Fuck," Phantom braced himself against the edge and pulled with all his might.

Who knew that being this close to Hell would give him so much more strength and speed than usual? Pure power thrummed through the new ghoul, and he used it to unceremoniously dump Sodo on the edge.

"Sodo?" Phantom's voice was softer now, and there was guilt, shame, relief, and desperation all wrapped up in that one word. "Please be okay."

A quiet crying sound could be heard all around them, and Phantom briefly wondered if it could be coming from himself, but then realized that Sodo's shoulders were shaking.

He was crying.

And it was Phantom's fault.

All of a sudden the pit seemed welcoming, and for a moment Phantom wondered how morally wrong it was to save someone from suicide and then immediately commit the act himself.

"Phantom?" Barely audible, muffled by tears and guilt.

Phantom turned away, expecting to be told to leave and go get anyone else. He began to sit up, chest heaving now that the adrenaline had worn off. "Yeah, Dew?" The name sounded nearly foreign on his tongue, but he'd heard the other ghouls using it when comforting the smaller ghoul.

Something about an element change?

"Don't leave."

"I c— What?" Phantom was taken by surprise. "We should let Swiss and Rain and the others know where you are and that you're safe."

"Safe?" Sodo turned around, finally facing Phantom, and his heart jerked at the sight. The word seemed to taste unfamiliar.

"You're safe, Dew. I promise. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry," he laughed, surprising the both of them. But it was immediately replaced with a sob. The next words were spoken in a whisper, and Phantom had to lean closer to hear them. "It was my fault."

"It wasn't, I'm so sorry for making you feel that way, I was angry and upset, and none of it is your fault."

"I don't know what to do anymore," Phantom had never heard those words come out of Sodo's mouth, or any variation of them. Like, ever. And it broke his heart. Again. "I can't feel him anymore, and it's my fault, and I should have done more, warned him against..."

"Against what?"

"Nothing," Sodo moved his body closer to Phantom's, and he couldn't feel the heat normally radiating off his body. "Can you just hold me? I'm sor—"

"Stop apologizing," Phantom wrapped his arms around the smaller ghoul's slim shoulders, listening to his breathing grow steadier with each passing second. "It wasn't your fault."

Soon enough, Sodo was purring into Phantom's chest, and his breaths were deep and even. Phantom picked him up carefully, taking him back to Sodo's room and laying him gently on the mattress. He sent a quick message via Twitter to Swiss, letting everyone know that there wasn't anything to be worried about anymore.

Well that wasn't exactly true, but who would be there to care about Phantom after this? Who would care that he was gone, who wouldn't be rejoicing rather than mourning?

"Phantom?" Shit, he hadn't realized Sodo was awake.

"Yes, Dew?"

"Stay with me, please."

"Of course."

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