Don't worry, I'm here for you

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Shraddha's pov-

"You bitch, you are eating our food and our money, and still, we're not saying anything to you, I just tell you to make some food for Rose and you give her this, are you planning to kill my daughter?" My aunt said this while grabbing my hair and pulling it roughly.

"No, aunt, I just made this because...cause' I paused and took a breath to bear this pain. I gulped and continued, "Because she said she wanted to eat something spicy." I tried to defend myself.

"Mom, she is lying I told her to don't add chili powder, but she still adds that much chili powder," Rose said while grabbing her chest and pretending like she is in pain.

I was looking at her when I felt a sharp pain in my hand, I looked down and saw my aunt kept hot wood on my hand, which we use for cooking.

"Aunt, please leave me. I promise next time it won't happen. Please, please, please forgive me." I was shouting in pain, but my aunt didn't show any mercy.

I was writhing in pain but there was no one to pity me or save me.

Finally, she took the stick away from my hand, I quickly buried my hand in my chest and sat in a circle like a ball.

"Why you didn't die with your parents, You're nothing but just a burden You should be happy that we are tolerating you; otherwise, I would have thrown you out of my house." Saying this, she left the kitchen.

"Also, you will not get any food today," my aunt shouts from the hall.

So even today I will not get food; today is the third day I will not get any food.

I burned my face in my legs and started crying.

"Why, Mom and Dad, why didn't you take me with you?? Look at your daughter's condition. Death is better than this life. I don't want to live like this. I want to die. Please, Mom and Dad, please call me to you; I want some peace. I said while crying that I didn't even realize when I fell asleep on the same ground.

In all this, I felt a soft hand on my head that was caressing my head so softly. "Wake up, my child, it's just a nightmare," I heard a sweet voice.

"Mom," I said while smiling.

"Yes, I am your mom. Now wake up, my child." I heard the same sweet voice again.

I smiled and slowly opened my eyes to see my mom, but the only thing I saw was a white wall—a plain white wall.

"Where am I?" I said it in confusion.

"My child, you're in the hospital," I heard.

I looked to my left side and saw the same old lady who I saved today.

I saw her hand in my head, so she was the one who was caressing my head, not my mom.

Hurt was visible on my face. Looking at my hurt expression.

"What happened, dear?? - she asked.

concern can be heard in her voice.

It made me happy and sad at the same time.

happy because there was someone who cared about me, and sad because that person was a stranger who was going to leave me soon.

I just smiled at her and said nothing.

"If you don't mind, can I ask you something?? "she said awkwardly.

I just nod to her and motion her to ask.

"Do you get such nightmares every time??"She asked

Hearing her question, I realized I was again dreaming about all these things which I had been suffering from for years

Suddenly I felt some water-like thing on my head, I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and saw there was lots of sweat, not only on my head but the whole body coated with my sweat.

"What happened to your hand and neck? It looks like someone hit you with something hot. Does someone beat you?? she asked.

Hearing her words, all my bad memories come to my eyes like a film—how they beat me on little little things. how they do not give me food for several days, how their kids bully me in school by saying that I am an orphan, and how I am a burden on my aunt and uncle. how her son sexually harassed me in front of his friends or when he saw me alone, he touched me appropriately If I tried to stop him, he beat me and threatened me, saying that he would tell everyone I was the one who seduced him, and I knew everyone was going to believe it.

I was thinking all this; I didn't realize when tears started falling from the corner of my eyes and my whole body started shaking so badly that panic took over me.

Then someone immediately hugged me and that soft touch instantly calmed me down.

she was rubbing my back up and down in a motherly manner.

"Calm down; no one's going to hurt you, Don't worry, I'm here for you, my child," she said

But I only heard "Don't worry, I'm here for you," which I wanted to hear for a long time.





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