Chapter 2

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The doors open and reveals the Amayan king and his court.

"Announcing King Warrik of house Calder," the doorman calls.

He walks in, his head held high, his chest out as he surveys the room, knowing he's a guest but not foolish enough to lower his guard. He is an old man but his age does nothing to hide his strength and power from his years as king and warrior. He is crowned with not a crown of gold nor a crown of jewels, but a crown of feathers, each feather is said to be a representation of the battles he has won and the king has been crowned with more than two dozen feathers.

His children enter behind him and behind them their royal guards and court members, the guards are lightly armoured and flank the royals and the court.

While the King and his children are reserved as they enter, their court members are not so subtle, gawking and gaping at the sparkling beauty of the royal palace, showing that though they are dressed and polished, they are nothing but lowly, scraggly commoners.

"Welcome," Emperor Ishaan greets, rising from his throne and stepping to the edge of the dais, all eyes fall to him as he greets his guests, "please enjoy this evening's festivities as a pre celebration for the upcoming peace between our two houses."

As his father speaks, Elios feels a set of eyes on him, as he searches for the source his eyes lock with the Amyan princess, who blushes and quickly looks away.

"We are honoured," King Warrik says with a nod to the emperor, "I look forward to our partnership Emperor Ishaan."

The king looks over to his son and then back to the emperor.

"May I introduce my son and heir," King Warrick says and the boy steps forward, "Prince Segar, champion of the black fields, master sailor, leader of the Arcana."

The prince is tall and strong, he is lightly armoured with warrior feathers braided into his shoulder length hair. His eyes are dark pits of black, his face is hard and a mirror of his father's.

"And this," the king continues, holding his hand out now to the princess, "is my daughter, Princess Karilya."

The girl is a beauty, shorter than her father and brother, her hair dark and hangs in waves down to her waist, no feathers braided into her hair but she is adorned with a diadem of pearl and crushed opal, she is slender with long legs and her perfect, reddish-brown skin seems to glow in the firelight.

Her eyes are deep blue and her lips are plump and full, she is soft and full of ethereal grace as she lowers her head and offers true respect to the emperor and his family by curtsying in a greeting that befits a royal to serve to another royal.

"My daughter is a gifted healer and beloved by all in the kingdom," King Warrik says as his daughter stands straight once more.

Emperor Ishaan's lips quirk in a smirk, he knows that when someone is described only as 'beloved', it means that that person is boring, with no other qualities other than their kindness.

"My son and heir to the throne, Prince Elios," Ishaan says, continuing with formalities as he introduces his children, "and my daughter Princess Azali."

The royal siblings nod in mock respect.

"We shall discuss plans on the morrow," the emperor says, "for now, please enjoy the festivities, let the children get to know one another."

The emperor dismisses his children from their places by his side and they bow to their father before descending the dais to mingle with the party goers.

The Amayan king disperses his guards and council with a nod of his head and then he leaves the floor, passing the royal children who remain on the last steps of the dais and ascending to join the emperor per his invitation.

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