Chapter 14

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When Karilya entered the physician's office, they took half a look at her and decided that the best course of action was to cauterise the wound.

"No," Karilya had said, standing from the chair they sat her in and stepping away in shock, "no, I'll take care of it."

"Princess, I insist," the doctor had said, he nodded to his assistant who moved and blocked the princess' exit.

"I'm a healer," Karilya said, keeping distance between herself and the self-proclaimed doctor, "I can fix it myself."

"Princess, I insist-"

"No, I insist," Karilya says keeping a table between them, "I'll be fine."

The doctor would not let her leave, which is how she has now come to curses and threats of violence as she stands off against the old man.

"The wound will get infected," the doctor tries to reason.

"I'm. A. Healer," Karilya says, curling her lip at the physician, "You will not burn my face."

"You are being unreasonable!" the man sighs, holding up a numbing salve in hopes to calm the princess down, "come now, you won't feel it I promise."

"Come near me and I will burn you instead!" Karilya spits, she feels movement from behind her and assumes the assistant is moving in to grab her, she feels a hand on her shoulder and her fear leaps into her throat, "don't fucking touch me!"

She turns and struggles against the grasp, snarling like a wild cat as she raises her hand to strike.

But it was not the assistant, instead, her husband stands behind her, a scornful look on his face.

The room fall silent, the physician and his assistant bows to the prince as he looks to them, his disappointment clear on his face.

"My apologies for the ruckus, my prince," the doctor says sheepishly, "your wife will not let me help."

Karilya glares over her shoulder, her eyes hard full of silent threats.

"Leave us," the prince commands, his tone hard and scolding.

The physician bows in obedience, as he passes the prince, he hands over the numbing salve and then hurries along after his assistant.

Karilya looks up to her husband, neither one saying a word, when the door closes, Elios steps back and stands the fallen chair upright.

"Sit," he says, his face still hard with darkness in his eyes.

"I'm not letting you burn my face," Karilya says, her voice is softer but she remains planted with her arms crossed and an icy glare in her eyes.

Elios picks the chair up and slams it down, the loudness startles the princess and she flinches, her heart leaps into her throat as her blood runs cold.

As she complies to her husband's order, she can hear footsteps hurrying away, scamping down the hall like rats.

Karilya sits, she crosses her legs and keeps her arms folded over her chest, there is no longer an icy glare in her eyes, it is now replaced by fear as the prince starts to rummage in the doctor's things.

"Please," Karilya begs, her voice soft and pleading, "please don't burn me."

Elios turns back to his wife, he ceases his rummaging and his gaze softens.

"I'm sorry," he says, his voice soft as he crosses back over to her, "I'm sorry I scared you, I had to make sure they would leave us, and they wouldn't do that if they thought I was going easy on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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