Chapter 3

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It was midday when the announcement was made.

Both families were brought onto the royal balcony that overlooked the empire's main square, there was a crowed gathering below, people of noble and common birth came to hear the emperor's announcement.

They cheered when they saw the emperor step out into the sunlight, their cheers were instantly silenced by the raise of his hand.

"My people," he greets, his voice carrying through the city, "today is an auspicious day, our neighbours have come from their home to broker an alliance. With our two countries united the empire will prosper and shine even brighter."

Elios stands to his father's right, his sister next to him while the Amayan family lines up on the emperor's left.

"To solidify this union, we will bind this alliance with a marriage," the emperor continues.

Elios looks out the corner of his eye and smiles slightly when he finds his sister with a deep frown on her face and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Prince Elios, will wed the Princess Karilya," Emperor Ishaan says and a silence falls over the nation.

Elios, after hearing his name, turns to look at his father, his jaw slackened and his face paling.

Azali snickers under her breath as she watches her father gesture for the princess to step closer.

Ishaan grabs his son by the wrist and pulls him close, forcing the prince to offer his hand. The emperor also takes the princess' hand, gentler as he draws her closer to his son.

"This union will usher in a new age, one of peace and prosperity," the emperor says as he brings the two hands together.

Elios finds a familiar face below, Emalia glares up at him as his father lifts their joined hands high for the entire nation to see.

For a moment there is nothing but silence and Elios fears that his heart may explode.

'How could he do this to me?' Elios thinks as the silence becomes suffocating.

But then the silence is broken and the nation erupts in cheers and celebrations.

The royal family linger on the balcony for a moment longer than necessary, but once the emperor gives the nod that they may withdraw, Elios pulls his hand from the princess' as if she were made of fire.

Elios follows after his father, retreating back into the palace halls.

"You can't be serious," Elios says boldly, "I'm not going to marry that... that peasant!"

"You will do as your told, boy," Ishaan says with a snarl as he turns on his son, "you will marry the princess."

"But why?" Elios questions, "Why me, I thought we had an understanding! Why would you now risk putting a half-blood on the throne?"

A cough from behind them catches their attention and both the emperor and the prince look over to where the Amayan family stands at the end of the hallway, hearing every word. Elios' eyes find the princess', she observes his tantrum, her eyes shining in hurt as his words cut through her.

The king and prince speak softly to the princess and hurry her away, leading her away from the emperor and his son.

Guilt and shame swirl in Elios' chest, the hurt in Karilya's eyes is enough to have him feeling sick.

But the feeling is quickly replaced with fear when he feels his father's hand grab him by the back of the neck and drag him into a private room.

"Leave us!" the emperor snaps at the occupants, sending them scurrying for the nearest exit.

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