Chapter 4

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The wedding festivities last all day, the couple are sat in the throne room, below the emperor's dais where they greet people who come just to congratulate them.

There are events happening off to the side; games, and entertainment for others to enjoy while the prince and princess are made to sit like statues and thank the people for their gifts and offers of well wishes with only a few short breaks every so often.

Princess Karilya becomes stiff and sore, when the room is closed for their breaks, she stands and stretches her back, sighing as she reaches her arms above her head.

"Would you come join me for some tea, princess?" an old man calls, drawing the princess' attention to where a small tea table sits off to the side.

"I don't think you've been properly introduced," Prince Elios says, appearing by her side before she can realise, "This is my Uncle Prince Orion."

Karilya bows in respect to the emperor's brother as the worn old man looks up to her with a kind smile.

"Please join me," the old man says again, gesturing to the pillows across from him, "I have made some green tea, good for stiff muscles."

Princess Karilya sits cross legged on the pillows and smiles as she watches the seaming tea be poured for her.

"Such a beautiful ceremony," he says with a wistful smile, "The spirits have blessed you with such a beautiful bride, nephew."

Prince Elios says nothing to his uncle's comments, his attention is elsewhere.

"My prince," a woman says approaching Elios without even a nod of respect, "might I speak with you for a moment?"

Karilya looks back to the woman her husband speaks with, she is the definition of lethal beauty, her face is sharp and her eyes are like daggers as she talks with a hushed tone so to not be overheard.

She is not like the other court ladies, dressed in soft silks and bright colours, this woman is dressed in black and wears pants and knee-high boots instead of the more popular dresses and slippers.

She is arguing with the prince over something, the more she hisses at him the further he pulls her away so their conversations is not overhead by prying ears.

"Who is she?" Karilya wonders out loud, from the way she looks at the prince it seems that she hates him.

"She is Princess Azali's close friend and guard," Uncle Orion answers, reminding Karilya that she is not alone, "she has been raised alongside my niece and nephew since they were just children."

Karilya hums to herself in thought and then turns back to the prince's uncle.

"I thought the emperor's crown was passed to the eldest in the family," the princess says, "Forgive me for assuming, but you seem older than your brother."

The emperor's brother sips his tea and then nods his head.

"After my years in battle and losing my wife and son, I felt no need to reach for the crown when my father passed," Prince Orion answers and a shadow sadness passes over the old man's features.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Princess Karilya says, her heart going out to the emperor's brother.

"It feels like a life time ago," the man says, he drinks more of his tea, "but thank you for saying so."

"Princess," a court lady says, politely interrupting, "they will be letting more people in soon."

Karilya finishes her tea and sighs, she stands and feels the warmth flood through her, reenergising her slightly as she stretches once more before returning to her chair at the center of the room.

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