Chapter 8: It's Misery Town Baby!

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Shooting pain in the body, burning eyes, palpitating heart and noises of painful cries - those were the last things Sitara experienced before loosing her senses in the alter of witches.

When Sitara started gaining her senses back, her arms were still in pain right at the place Joy carved weird symbols when he was taking the form of Nysha.
Sitara felt shooting pain in her back and severely nauseous. Her body felt so drained that every inches of her body felt heavier.

Albeit not being fully conscious, Sitara was able to understand that she was back at Aziam's castle. In her head lots of thoughts were going on simultaneously along with mix of guilt and gratitude.

She never heard anything about Aziam trying to kill her but the witches tried to do that to her. Although she knew Aziam's protection wasn't selfless, still he protected her and in the kind of situation she was in, amidst all odds she was safe physically for now and that mattered.

She opened her eyes and saw Nysha sitting by her side who was really happy to see her gaining sense.

"Hey.. you woke up! Don't worry you are just weak now."- Nysha reassured her.

"Why did you bring me here? To that monster?"- Sitara mustered her powers to complain.

"Look, the elder and the Faes were going to kill you. This was kind of only way to save you."- Nysha sounded sincere.

Although it's a difficult situation but Sitara was atleast grateful to be alive. She pressed Nysha's palms gently and said, "What if I become her? Like everyone were talking about? Killing innocents, for selfish reasons?"

Nysha: Look, I believe all the experiences matter. In your past life you had certain experience,in this life you got certain experiences. That stands for something. Who knows Sitara being sitara with an Incubas life would be a complete different person. Who is neither complete 'asshat' like Celestine or a super naive person like Sitara and the new person could be cool!

Sitara (half smiled): Hey I'm not super naive?

Nysha: Oh come on. You were pushed around by different people, constantly put in danger, you are at a strange realm, trusting about anyone. You are naive girl.

"Fine. But what made you help me? Don't get me wrong, I'm immensely grateful for that but since the moment I have come here, every nice thing anyone had ever done for me came with a condition attached. I'm.. it's just really hard for me to trust anyone right now."- Sitara almost choked while saying this.

Nysha: I get it. The thing is, remember how I told you I used to keep an eye on you on your Earth realm, I met your mother too. She was so kind to me. She always talked about you, and how much she loves you. I lost my mother. I just couldn't bear the thought of separating one mother from another daughter too. I couldn't bear the thought of your mother never getting to see you.

"Thanks!"- Sitara sqeezed her fingers a bit. She was genuinely grateful.

In the meantime Aziam came into the room.

Sitara sat up. For the first time she saw him so detached and he didn't even look at her directly. Sitara didn't know what to say, whether to thank him, or say sorry or be prepared for his wrath.

Aziam talked to Nysha completely ignoring Sitara's existence. "Nysha, what you have asked for is done. All the witches are freed, their family members that I had kept captive are brought back already and they are given better living accommodation. Just they will be under the watch of my people until I get what I want. Just came to let you know."

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