Chapter 13: Don't Come Back

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When Sitara gained back her senses she found herself locked in a mushy,dark room. Her hands were tied and she heard some chanting coming from outside. At a little distance there was someone lying in the dark. She could hear bit of muffled grouse coming out of the person. She moved closer and what she saw next it startled her. It was none other than Aziam. But he was weakened and almost paralysed. Sitara got scared as she  had only observed Aziam as being all powerfull all the time but Aziam being this much weakened by some power, she was afraid of that power.

"Oh my god, who did this to you Aziam? What's going on?", Sitara asked him while she tried to move closer to him.

"Sitara. Listen to me, you have to figure out a way to run away from this place." Aziam spoke with tremendous difficulty.

Sitara was confused. She did not understand what was going on. Sitara had seen Aziam being almost indestructible. But she had never seen him this weak. She tried to slide closer to him.

Sitara: But what's going on here??

Aziam wasn't able to answer better in pain. He just grimaced and groaned and only words he was able to mutter was, "He is here. He found her!"

The terror on his face ignited an unsettling fear in Sitara's heart too. She had experienced Aziam being so terrifying and powerful that everyone else had been afraid of Aziam. But him having the same fear about someone! Sitara had this feeling that something terrible was going to happen. She just did not know what.

Her anticipation came to an end very soon when some creatures entered in the room. They all seemingly looked like Sanguinos and some witches.

Seeing the crowd Aziam tried his best to get up.

"Who are you? Why are we here?", Nobody responded to her.

One tall figure emerged from the dark and they just hunched close to Aziam and sprinkled some powder on him. Aziam flinched in pain and went completely paralysed. Then the tall person just ordered everyone, "That was the last bit of spell we had left. Take her away and finish the spell."

Sitara was confused and scared and her instinct was telling her it was not going to end well based on all other past experiences in Cosmovia.

Aziam could not do anything. Like his past he was bound to witness everything crashing down again.

••••Over 5000 Years Ago•••

After the Witches and Sanguinos were able to subdue Aziam they noticed that Queen Mickhayla ran away taking advantage of the ruckus. When they realised that it was too late.

Vida: Oh no. It's not a good sign. We have to find Queen Mickhayla.

Suri: Yeah but before that we have to do something about this spell and we have to help king Jermyah as well.

Vida: Oh god you are not understanding. The queen is dangerous.

Suri: And as I said. Will take care of that too.

Then Suri bound all the queen's guards with some spell and ordered Jermyah's loyal guards to help Jermyah and keep an watch on Vida.

Mara suggested that they should bring Celestine first to undo the immortality spell and for that they took the spilled blood of Celestine that were in the room due to the physical torture Mickhayla had inflicted upon her.

"I can use rest of her blood to soak the rare 'Jeelak'* herbs to create a magick dust that could subdue Prince Aziam or.. whatever this monster this girl created ", Vida added.

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