Chapter 6 : If you will to...

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Period after Lunch:

Berry's POV

"The sensation of his lips was indescribable—soft, warm, and utterly enchanting," I whispered, my cheeks flushed like ripened tomatoes. His presence lingered on my lips like a sweet, lingering taste that I couldn't get enough of.

"Berry, can you answer question number four on the board?" said Mr. Taylor — my science teacher.

"Yes-s, the answer is-s 'two compounds as both products and-d reactants'," I replied, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Correct, thank you," he acknowledged.

A sense of relief washed over me, and for a fleeting moment, the passing of time seemed to slip my mind. Despite knowing that I should direct my attention to the lesson at hand, that indescribable feeling lingered, tugging at my thoughts and making it challenging to concentrate.

Unexpectedly, I found myself falling in love with Vincent. It all began when we accidentally fell to the ground together in the classroom last time—I felt something stirring inside me, and those feelings only grew stronger with time.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Class ended in Berry's wonderful memories, experiences and expressions.

After school at bus station:

At the bustling bus station, a lively buzz of conversation filled the air as furs chatted with their friends. Amidst it all, Berry sat serenely on a bench, enveloped in his own world. His vintage headphones cradled his fluffy ears, immersing him in a world of music while he patiently awaited the arrival of the bus.

Abruptly, someone settled down beside him, and gently rested their hand on his shoulder. It was Vincent, who softly said:

"Berry, do you want to hang out together tomorrow? We can go to the new café together. If you will..." said Vincent shyly.

He blushed even deeper, and in response, I couldn't help but smile, playfully saying, "Sure, my prince."

His cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, and he returned the smile with an affectionate and heartwarming expression.

After some chit chat, we boarded the bus together. He sat next to me and immersed himself in his phone.

Exhaustion enveloped me, a result of the demanding gym class and the unfortunate lack of sleep. As the bus gently rocked and swayed, a soothing comfort washed over me. I couldn't help it, so I fell asleep on the seat. When the bus turned right and entered a street, my torso fell into Vincent's arms.

Vincent's POV

"Wow!?" Without a second thought, I instinctively covered his head with my arm to prevent it from hitting the glass. I didn't want to disturb his peaceful slumber; he looked so comfortable nestled in my embrace. Knowing how tired he must have been, I made the decision to let him continue sleeping.

The sensation was truly remarkable—a cute little boy peacefully sleeping in the comfort of my arms.

After a few bus stops, I gently woke Berry up. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Berry for having mentioned the station where he needed to alight during our earlier conversation at the bustling bus station.

It was a simple detail, yet it made all the difference now, allowing me to ensure that he wouldn't miss his stop and end up in an unfamiliar part of town.

"See you tomorrow!" said Berry in a  joyful mood. 

I gave him a warm smile through the windows on the bus.

After a few stops, I bid farewell to the bus and set foot on the familiar path leading back home. With each step, my mind couldn't help but wander to the delightful possibilities that tomorrow held for Berry and me.

The mere thought of Berry's infectious smile and the twinkle in his eyes brought a grin to my face. 


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