Chapter 8 : Cherished Moments

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Vincent's POV

A warm smile played on his lips. "You have no idea how much that means to me," he replied, his voice filled with tenderness. "I've been searching for the perfect moment to share this with you, and it's now. I want you to know that I've been feeling the same way all along."

A surge of relief and joy washed over me, and I couldn't help but return his smile. The weight of unspoken emotions lifted, and we found solace in our shared affection.

As I gently rested my paw on the back of his neck, I pulled him closer, drawing him near with a tender touch. Drawing closer, I leaned in and pressed my lips gently against his, sealing our unspoken agreement with a tender kiss.

After the tender kiss, His face was still flushed with emotions. We exchanged a soft, lingering gaze.

"I want to cherish every moment with you," Berry said softly, his paw reaching out to hold Vincent's while kissing Vincent's cheek.

"Excuse me, sorry for the interruption," the waitress said with a warm smile, her tone polite and attentive. "Are you both ready to place your order?"

Berry and Vincent exchanged sheepish glances, their faces still flushed from the tender moment they had shared. With an embarrassed smile, Vincent cleared his throat, "We'll get a cup of large salted caramel latte with one straw, please."

The waitress noted down their orders, her eyes twinkling with amusement at the obvious affection between the two.

After they receive the order, Vincent's lips hover just above the straw.

"Here, let me give you a taste," Vincent said, his voice soft and flirty.

Berry chuckled, delighted by his playful demeanor. He leaned in, meeting him halfway, and as their lips gently touched the straw, they shared a sip. The sweetness of the drink mingled with the sweetness of the moment, creating a cherished memory between them.

In this lovely process, Berry found himself unable to tear his eyes away from Vincent.

After savoring the last sip of their drinks, they left the café, their hearts still warmed by the shared moment. Vincent turned to Berry with a smile, his eyes twinkling with an idea.

"Do you want to go for a walk in the mall?" Vincent asked with hopeful anticipation in his voice.

"Sure!" Berry replied eagerly, feeling a rush of excitement. He loved spending time with Vincent, and the idea of strolling through the mall together sounded like a wonderful way to continue their date.

Hand in hand, they made their way to the mall. As they strolled through the bustling mall. Vincent kept stealing glances at the various stores, searching for the perfect present that would light up Berry's face. Vincent planned to buy a gift for Berry to surprise his boyfriend.

As we passed by a jewelry store, my eyes caught a gleaming bracelet on the display. It was elegant and understated, just like Berry's style. I mentally noted the store's location, intending to return later.

With every step they took, I couldn't help but imagine the joy and surprise on Berry's face when I presented the gift later at the park in the evening.

After a while of walking, We both hesitated to pick which restaurant to have lunch. Berry saw something and walked toward it. He stopped in front of a Japanese restaurant. Staring at the poster and menu on the wall.

"Vincent, do you like Japanese food?" he asked in his sweet voice.

"I love what you love, and as long as it brings you happiness, it brings me happiness too."

Then he took my paw and walked into the restaurant. The Japanese restaurant offered a serene and captivating view. Cherry blossom motifs adorned the walls, evoking a sense of tranquility and natural beauty.

When we settled down, "This is the perfect time for action." I thought to myself...


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