Chapter 12 : Nightmare

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Berry's POV

"Let's go downstairs, dinner is ready, my princess," Vincent said in a teasing tone.

"But I was tired. How about you carrying me?" I said playfully while lying back in the bed.

He effortlessly scooped me up into his arms, I nuzzled my head against his shoulder and instinctively wrapped my paws around his neck, finding a perfect balance. His strong embrace made me feel safe and cherished as if nothing in the world could ever harm me.

With a playful grin, he whispered, "Hold on tight, little one." He began to walk with a gentle sway in his steps on the stairs. I nestled in his arms like a treasure he vowed to protect.

When we arrived at the dining room, he gently lowered me onto a chair, ensuring I was comfortable before taking his seat across from me. We started having dinner together with the tantalizing aroma of pasta and sandwiches he bought from the restaurant.

The dishes tasted even better than I had imagined, and every bite was a delightful revelation of flavors. As we chatted at the table, he listened attentively as I shared my experiences, making me feel truly heard and valued.

After supper, he threw the plates and forks into the dishwasher after rinsing them. He carried me upstairs like what he did while carrying me downstairs half an hour before when he called me his princess. I loved it when he called me that.

He tossed me onto the bed and then eagerly hopped on the space beside me. Even though his bed wasn't large enough for two people under normal circumstances, we managed to fit comfortably when we snuggled up close together.

Vincent shifted closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, his chest softly touched my back. He covered us with a blanket and hugged me. I can easily fall asleep in his arms. In his affectionate embrace, I find it effortless to drift into a peaceful slumber......

The bell rang, and I stayed behind and went to help my teacher put away the net and rackets back into the gym storeroom. The lamp inside it has been broken since last week. I needed to be careful, not stepping on something and falling. After I finished helping, just as I was about to leave the storeroom, Daniel walked in with other bullies and started mocking me, hurling hurtful words at me. "You're USELESS!" "B*TCH" "FATHERLESS". When I wanted to ignore them and left the room, but before I could do so, Daniel took it a step further, pushing me with force, causing me to stumble and fall to the ground.

Fortunately, I fell on the soft mat and didn't get hurt. The next second, the door slammed shut, leaving me in the dark alone. The sudden darkness surrounded me, leaving me disoriented and unsure of my surroundings, the sounds of my breathing reverberated through the cold, confined space. "Help!!! Is there anyone!" I shouted, but no one answered.

In the enclosed space, the silence seemed to amplify the sound of my heartbeat, which now pounded in my ears like a drum. I was scared and panicked. I sat on the floor while leaning on the wall, hugging my knee, tears slid through my cheek and dripped on the floor. I experienced hopelessness and loneliness again.

At this moment, I heard someone saying "Is there anybody?" The next second, "ka-cha" the door unlocked, I saw a ray of dawn through the gap of the opening door, shining on my face. The light is too bright hence I can't see the person's face. But I can clearly hear "Are you alright!? Berry!"

I gradually opened my eyes which were filled with tears. The first thing that appeared in front of me was Vincent's face.

"Berry! Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern, as he noticed me whimpering in my sleep. "You had a nightmare?" he asked nervously with a worried tone. Hugging me gently, soothingly patting my back, trying to calm me down.

"Everything is alright, I am here with you," he whispered tenderly in my ear. Letting me know that I was not alone. He stayed by my side until the fear and unease in me subsided.


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