Chapter 14 : Guardian Hearts

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Berry's POV

I could feel the gazes and murmurs surrounding Vincent and me, I felt uncomfortable while getting stared at by everyone in the hallway while heading to the classroom.

As we approached the classroom, Daniel stood firmly in our path, blocking our way.

"Hey there! Who's this?" he remarked with a hint of sarcasm. "Your boyfriend, huh?"

"None of your business!" said Vincent toughly. As Vincent held my paw, tried to escape the hallway.

That second, Daniel approached me and grabbed my wrist with a firmness that bordered on rudeness, asserting his grip in an uncomfortable manner.

"Ahhhhh! Stoppp it, it hurts!" I managed to utter weakly, the pain from my throbbing wrist washing over me like a relentless wave. Vincent pushed Daniel away from me.

At that moment, the clash erupted like a storm, a flurry of strikes and blocks. Everybody around us was watching and filming with their phones. Vincent's urgent eyes and subtle gestures conveyed a clear message, and I knew I had to act swiftly. I ran away as quickly as possible, trying to find a teacher to stop the fighting.

As I raced through the corridors, the echoes of the scuffle still resonated, urging me on. Time seemed to stretch, each second feeling like an eternity as I searched for a teacher amidst the chaos of the bustling school.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I spotted a teacher just around the corner. Gasping for breath, I urgently signaled for their attention and explained the situation. Concern was etched across her face, she quickly followed me back to the scene of the altercation.

Without hesitation, the teacher intervened, separating Vincent and Daniel, their paws still clenched in tight fists, eyes full of hatred. As I glanced at Vincent, my heart sank to see his nose bleeding profusely, like a waterfall cascading down his face. In stark contrast, Daniel appeared unfazed, as if the confrontation had left no mark on him. Obviously, Vincent lost the fight, but successfully protected me from the harassment from Daniel.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out some tissues, carefully wiping away the blood near Vincent's lips and gently pressing the tissue against his nose, trying to stem the bleeding. Concern etched across my face as I offered what little comfort I could at that moment.

My heart ached for Vincent, who was clearly injured physically when protecting me. At that moment, I wanted to cry, but I stopped and reminded myself that a lot of people were still watching us.

"Come on, let's get you to the medical room," I said to Vincent, trying to hide the whining noise from my mouth.

"Can you help me walk?" Vincent's voice trembled with pain as he spoke. "I think I twisted my ankle in the fight."

I moved closer to Vincent, With gentle care, I crouched down and mustered all my strength to carry him on my back. It was no easy task, as he was taller and heavier than me, but I was determined to get him the help he needed.

His arm draped over my shoulder, and I secured my grip around his waist. Slowly, we began to move forward, one step at a time. Each step felt like an eternity, but I didn't stop. His pain was evident in his clenched jaw and occasional wince, and I knew I had to be careful with each movement.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we reached the medical room. I gently lowered Vincent onto a chair, making sure he was comfortable on the chair. The school nurse took over, attending to Vincent's injury with a gentle touch and ice.

As I heard Vincent's stifled cry of pain while he pressed the ice on his injured ankle, my heart broke. I struggled to hold back my tears, not wanting him to see my emotions. I covered my face with my paws, trying to hide the flood of feelings that overwhelmed me. The next second, he gently pulled my paws away from my face, brushed away my tears with his thumb, and said gently 

"Don't worry Berry, I am fine..."

As for Daniel, the school administration took a decisive step in response to his repeated involvement in fights. Due to his previous history of starting fights, he was issued a short-term suspension from school.


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