Chapter 8

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He's sleeping fitfully despite the soft comfortable moss bed. His dreams are filled with abstract images and a sense of impending doom, and fear. A flash of purple, the glitter of light reflecting off sharp metal, a large fist, a cartoon cat, and more. A rustling sound rouses him from his nightmares and he slowly opens his eyes. Kneeling in front of him is a small purple woman, the same shade as he saw in his dreams. She's looking at him curiously, as he is her, but when their eyes meet she pauses, yelps, and jumps back. Startled, he does the same, nearly falling over himself to get away. He has nowhere to run to so he simply cowers at the edge of his clearing, hoping the scary woman will just leave now.

"Steven?" he hears her say. He glances at her from where he's curled defensively. That sound she made, a name, sounds familiar to him. He's not sure why. He turns carefully to look at her, keeping most of his back to her for safety.


When she calls his name Amethyst sees his shuddering pause and he moves to look at her. He seems to recognize his name so she calls out again and slowly shuffles closer.

"Steven, is that... You?"

The corrupted gem shudders again when she moves, and curls up into a tighter ball of fear. She vanishes her whip and sits down slowly in the center of the clearing. If this is Steven, she wants to avoid scaring him more so he doesn't decide to run off. If he does, she won't be able to find him again in the dark. So she decides to take a page out of Steven's book and speaks to him slowly and quietly. Just like he did when calming Centi way back when.

"Hey, shhh, it's okay buddy. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna sit here, I promise." Amethyst makes herself comfortable on the moss that's spread around where the gem slept. Looking more carefully now she notices the damage to the small area. It looks like a fire damaged the plants, but moss and flowers growing shows the area is healing. Looking back at the gem she sees it watching her now, still wracked with shudders, but clearly listening and curious. Remembering the bag of chips still in her hand she opens it, the smell of Steven's favorite flavor wafting through the air.

"Would you like some Chaaaps? Some yummy chiiiaaaaps? Mmm tasty!" She takes out a chip and crunches on it, making sure to show how amazing it is. That catches the corruption's interest, and it turns toward her more fully. When it does, she catches a glimpse of the circular top of Steven's pink diamond gem. There's no mistaking it. The corrupted gem is Steven.

As she crunches on another chip, he inches a little closer before laying, stretched out, on his belly and letting out a tired huff. He's hungry, but still too nervous to get much closer. There's only a few feet separating the two now. Amethyst thinks for a moment, then takes a chip and tosses it gently to Steven so it lands right in front of his pink nose. He sniffs and immediately snatches up the chip. After swallowing the tasty treat he belly crawls a few inches closer. Amethyst does this a few more times before Steven is close enough she could touch him. She holds out a couple chips, in her hand this time, for him to take. He hesitates a moment before, very gently, taking the snack from the palm of her hand. As if he thought she would jerk it away, or smack him on the head, if he isn't careful. It makes her gem hurt to think Steven would ever think she'd hurt him like that. It hurts that he's so scared of her now. While he eats the chips Amethyst reaches out and gently pets his head. He flinches at first, swallowing his food, then relaxes under the comforting sensation. He shakily stands and walks behind Amethyst only to lay down around her with his head on her lap. He begs for more food with wide puppy dog eyes.

She chuckles quietly and offers him more of the salty snack. They spend some more time together as night falls. As the stars come out, so do the nocturnal animals. Hoots from owls can be heard all around them, along with the skittering movements of the various mice and rabbits leaving their homes to find food for the night. Amethyst is about to use her phone for some light when the clearing is suddenly lit up by hundreds of fireflies! They fly around, glowing in patterns and a language only they understand. Amethyst and Steven sit together for a few more moments, enjoying the beauty of stars come to earth to play.

While Steven continues to watch in awe, Amethyst uses her phone to text the others, "Found him. Meet back at the fountain. Do NOT freak out. Will explain when we get there."

She puts her phone back in her pocket and thinks about how to get Steven to come with her. She could probably get him to follow her using the Chaaaps, but what if something happens and he runs off? Suddenly she gets an idea and takes out her whip, one without thorns so she doesn't hurt him. Using the chips to maintain trust and calm, she wraps the whip around him like a harness. When she's satisfied that it's not too tight, but he won't easily run off and get lost again, she begins working on leading him out of the clearing and back to the fountain. Which is much easier than she expected. He seems eager to follow the one giving him food.


He watches the fireflies for awhile with the woman. He loves how beautiful this area is, and feels like he hasn't really appreciated it til now. A brighter glow catches his attention and he watches as the purple woman magically makes a rope appear from a stone embedded in her chest. He would be a little nervous about it, but she seems nice and she keeps feeding him his favorite Chaaaps. He stills for a moment while she wraps the rope around him. He knows what this food is. How does he know? This food is called Chaaaps and this particular kind is his favorite flavor. He shakes his head, unsure but confident he's right. As the woman begins leading him out of his clearing, he looks at her carefully, a word, a name on the edge of his thoughts, just out of reach. It slips away the more he focuses on it. Regardless, he knows she's safe, he can trust her, so he follows.

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