Chapter 10

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          Getting Steven home wasn't too difficult for the group. As long as they kept the fountain out of his view he seemed content to follow them anywhere, even after they ran out of food to give him. They surrounded him loosely, the largest of the group blocking the view of the fountain with their size, and gently guiding him to the warp pad. Once there they piled as many of them as possible onto the warp pad with Steven squished into the middle so he can't easily run if he spooks. Ultimately they had to go in two groups, with Greg, Amethyst, Connie, Peridot and Lapis going first with Steven, and Garnet, Bismuth and Pearl going after. He seemed content to be squished as far as Amethyst can tell. She wouldn't be surprised if it just felt like a big hug to him. Once they're all situated Garnet activates the warp and gets everyone back to the beach house before she, Pearl and Bismuth follow.


          The moment the light fades Amethyst runs to the kitchen for another bag of Chaaaaps. Pearl watches disapproving of the unhealthy food when she steps off the warp pad with Garnet and Bismuth, but she won't deny the effectiveness of the treat in gaining Stevens trust. She makes a personal note to tell Amethyst how proud she is of her clever resourcefulness, especially how she's not sure how she would have reacted if she'd been the one to find him instead. Everyone once again makes themselves comfortable around the open room. Amethyst with Connie near the kitchen giving Steven more chips with Connie supplementing in some apple slices. Steven is hungry enough he'd probably eat just about anything they gave him.

"I don't get it." Connie speaks up as Steven gently takes another slice of apple from her hand, "Aren't corruptions usually more... Violent? Scared and prone to attacking?" she frowns, "Steven's clearly scared like other corruptions, but he's trusting us so easily. Plus back at the fountain he seemed more ready to run than fight."

"There's a lot we never understood about corruption." Pearl starts "After speaking with the few gems even willing to talk about their experience, we still only know so much." Pearl takes a deep breath. "1: They're heavily instinct driven, like animals with strong fight or flight instincts. Which in our case most often leads to conflict and fighting. 2: Their base personality remains mostly intact. Like Nephrite for example. She was a captain with very strong desires to get back to her ship and crew. Even corrupted, the other Centipeedles seemed to follow her lead after they were reunited. Plus Nephrites were made to be pilots, so it makes sense that, as a Centipeedle, she'd want to be near her ship." Pearl is in full educator mode, pacing in circles gesturing as she speaks, and has the rapt attention of everyone except Steven, who's enjoying his apple slices on the floor. "So if we follow that line of logic, Steven's behavior isn't actually that unusual. He knows something's wrong, his instincts have him scared, but Steven's always been a trusting, curious, and kind person. He's never been much for fighting unless absolutely necessary, but is capable of putting up an intense fight when it becomes so. He's still in there, he's still Steven, he's just... Lost." Pearl finishes.

Everyone sits in silence for a moment processing everything she said, all thinking the same, sad thought, he must feel so alone to be so scared. A scratching sound can be heard, drawing their attention to the front door. Greg gets up, opens the door, and Lion steps in and looks around, eyes focusing on Steven. They all tense as he marches right up to Steven who sits up and watches him, tilting his head with curiosity, ears perking forward. He sniffs Steven booping their noses together, rubs his head under Steven's chin, then lays down on the floor near him. Steven's tail starts wagging and his mouth opens in a dog-like grin. He crouches and lightly jumps on Lion, trying to get him to play with him. Everyone gives a collective, "Awww!" at the cute display.

"He reminds me of Pumpkin." Lapis says quietly. Peridot smiles and nods in agreement.


          He likes the pink Lion. He was all big and scary at first, then he booped his nose, and he couldn't help but feel complete joy toward the pink animal. He immediately feels safe and happy with him. He's big, soft and fluffy, and he wants the lion to play with him! He tries to get the pink lion to play with him by jumping on him, pawing at his ears, and even gnawing on his tail a little. All without much success, but that doesn't deter him. He keeps trying, rolling around on top of him, jumping around his head, trying to dig himself under and lift the lion. He tries everything he can think of to get his new best friend to play with him! The lion yawns, showing off an impressive set of teeth, and makes himself more comfortable on the floor, refusing to give in to the young corruption's antics. He yawns as well, suddenly feeling very tired, and lays down next to the big cat. The lion rolls onto his side and pins him down with a large paw. They fall asleep snuggled together comfortably, Lion purring contentedly, the sound lulling him into a comfortable sleep.


          While they watch Steven play with Lion the group starts tossing around ideas to help him. "Why not just bathe him with the bottles of diamond essence?" Peridot suggests. "It's the most obvious first step to take."

"I agree, but maybe we should get fresh essence, to make sure it has the best chance of working." Pearl adds.

"To do that, we'd have to contact the Diamonds, and when we do they'll ask why Steven isn't the one contacting them." Bismuth reminds everyone, no one is thrilled at the thought of talking to them. Things may be better in Era 3, but the gems are all still very uncomfortable with the Diamonds.

"We'll have to tell them anyway. Their involvement will give us better odds of healing him." Garnet speaks up, the glasses she'd put back on, glinting in the light.

Connie sighs, "Are we all in agreement then? We contact the Diamonds, tell them what's happened and ask for fresh bottles of essence?"

The gems glance at the now sleeping Steven and Lion, and understand Garnet must be seeing many possible paths to helping Steven, and realize the ones with the best outcomes must have the Diamonds involvement, before all nodding their heads and speaking in unison "Agreed."

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