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This is a collection of all poems I have written in English or translated to English. It contains mostly haikus, other nature poems, some poems about my burnout, and platonic love poems for important people in my life. Quality may vary, as I mostly rely on inspiration and some of these were written years ago. I currently (July 2023) have a backlog, but once the backlog has been posted, I won't be updating regularly.

For my haikus: I write mostly traditional haikus. A traditional Japanese haiku is about more than the 5-7-5 syllables. It's about (the perfection of) nature, typically a specific season can be derived from it, and you have to be objective in your observations and not interpret (which is not easy, because that also means no figurative language of any kind, or ascribing intentions). For the real die-hards, you can also try to add a volta between the second and third line (i.e. an "unexpected" turn in content, like you also have in sonnets). It's a great exercise for sensory writing and basically a picture in words. If you don't want to write about nature, there's also a senryu, which is a 5-7-5 poem about (the imperfection of) people, or a non-traditional haiku.

I'd love to hear from you if you enjoyed a poem. I'm open to constructive criticism and I like talking about language, metaphors, interpretation, emotions I evoked, ...

You can also talk to me in the Literary Lounge Discord server. The link is in the comments and on my profile.

I hope you enjoy!

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