62 | you were birthed again

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you were birthed again when you were 19

pushed out of the dark that fed you pain
no breath, no rest, you didn't see
us waiting with open arms
you were birthed again when you remembered
you can go up; stay; on forgotten trails,
hold my hand and we will go
you were birthed again when everyone sat down
two lungs to breathe, two eyes to look
not at the top in the clouds but the valley
even there shines the sun
as we sat in the grass and watched
flowers bow
you were birthed again when people stayed
you were seen and they said: rest a little, this is your spot
we will carry this day, and stay
hold my hand and squeeze out the hurt
eat your fill from the bowl we made
you were birthed again when you were 19,
reaching for the warmth of arms, the sun
and we so wish you smiled, you smiled
and you take your first breath

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