55 | In the first days of spring

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In the first days of spring

sharp are the branches against the sky
- blue blue shining open smile -
and they turn inward
curling over the life in their core
as if protecting a new-born
or one not yet born, growing joy
hiding quiet smiles.

Life stretches and pokes, tickles
too big too joyous too too as it should
and over branches still brown, still sharp
a green sheen is draped, like a future mother's glow
and the branches shake with laughter
and life bursts out in explosive birth
peeks out its buds and it grows GROWS no end

Like joy grows in leaves, you grow in me
small start, faces behind our hands
the corners of your mouth curling up
and it stirs in me, tickles my smile
I am the colours of spring and I feed you
joy sparks joy sparks joy it grows
like sky and water blue in blue blue no end
you reflect me or I you
and we grow joy in the first days of spring
as if we are our own present.

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