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It kills me to see you kiss Wendy, everyday after you kissed me earlier. And now I'm over it. You're a hypocrite. It's fine for you too make out with Wendy in the cafeteria, but as soon as I flirt with Annie it's a huge problem. Your excuse?
"Kyle, you're my secret. We need to stay a secret."
Well yeah? I'm through being your secret.
The bell rings and schools out. I know you'll try to walk home with me. But today's different.
"Hey Kenny!" I shout and run up to him.
"Hey dude."
I turn, just in time to lock eyes with you. So I slam my mouth against Kenny's.
Within 10 seconds you rip my away from him.
"Kyle? What the hell?"
I only scoff.
"So you can kiss Wendy and it's no big deal but I can't kiss someone?"
You're appalled. I can see it in your eyes.
"Kyle we've been over this." A crowd has drawn with Cartman yelling
"Do you know how that feels to me, Stan? Or do you not care?"
You grip my forearm and drag me into the boys bathroom.
Dragging your hand across my face you hug me and whisper in my ear.
"Kyle, baby, of course I care. I care a lot. But I don't want anyone to get suspicious."
"But what's wrong with people knowing." My voice is barely a whisper, and I'm starting to cry.
"No, baby, don't cry. I can't have people knowing because it will ruin me."
"So you care more about your ego than relationships? It makes sense." I sarcastically say, readying myself for a fight.
"No, Kyle. It's because I love you and I don't want anything to happen."
"But why are still with Wendy? A lot of straight people are single." Hot tears are now pouring down my face.
"I-" the stress on your face is real. "I don't want suspicion."
I turn around. I'm sick of the same useless excuse.
You turn me around.
"Kyle, you know I love you, right?"
"I'm not so sure anymore Stan."
I stand on my tiptoes and kiss you lightly.
"But I can't stop loving you."
The moment of silence is comforting.
"You're not leaving me are you?"
Every time you bring me back. It's so pathetic, that I can't move on.

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