chapter IV

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North waited patiently for Night while scrolling through his Twitter feed. He had been waiting for almost two hours now, he didn't understand why something as boring as astronomy club was taking this long. He was now bored and kind of hungry considering the fact that he didn't eat his lunch thanks to Ongsa who dragged him to theater club.

"Hi." A voice North was so familiar with said making the boy take his eyes off from his phone.

"Nong'Night! Are you done?" North asked with a bright smile that Night was not familiar with.

For the past few weeks that Night had gotten to know the older, he would usually bother him and annoy him just to get a rise out of him. So North smiling at him like this was unfamiliar to him, however the smile looked good on him.

"Yeah. All done now." Night replied with a dampened smile.

"Okay let's go." North said grabbing Night's wrist leading the younger to his motorcycle. Night was taken aback by this sudden act of skinship from the older but he was too tired to fight him off so he just let North drag him to the student's parking lot.

"Here." North said handing Night a spare helmet.

"I am not getting on that." Night protested holding the helmet against his chest.

"Why not?" North asked.

"Are you kidding me? Do you know how many motorcycle related accidents occur yearly? This thing is basically a death machine." Night stubbornly retorted, dead set on not riding with North. He wasn't planning to die, not today at least.

"Oiii! Stop exaggerating. Going by your logic, even cars are death machines. Besides I am a pro at this, I promise to keep you safe." North said grabbing the helmet from Night and put the helmet on him.

Night sighed giving in, he was too tired to argue with North. He had a long day having to coordinate his time between school work, theater club and astronomy club.

"Hold on tight." North said wrapping Night's arms around his waist. "We don't want you falling, right?" He said with a smirk making Night sigh for the umpteenth time that evening.

The ride was unexpectedly enjoyable for Night. Feeling the cool air fan his face was rather refreshing, wiping away all the exhaustion in his body.

"We are here." North said parking the bike at what looks like a resturant.

"Why are we here?" Night asked.

"To eat dinner. I didn't have any lunch today." North replied.

"And how is that my problem?" Night asked with furrowed brows.

"You are so mean to me nong' Night. I waited patiently for you but you don't even care  whether or not I get proper nutrition." North said with a pout.

Night smiled subconsciously looking at the taller act so cute, it was an adorable sight. Better than the scowl and frown that was permanently displayed on his face.

"Stop with the dramatics. Fine let's go in then." Night replied walking towards the entrance leaving North behind.

They entered the Japanese resturant and ordered their food and drinks. Night was also kind of hungry, and he did enjoy Japanese food so he wasn't totally against the idea of having dinner with North. It was better than the frozen prepackaged food in his condo.

Eating alone wasn't fun anyways.

"So why are you in Astronomy club?" North asked genuinely curious.

"I don't know I just find it fascinating." Night replied.

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