chapter V

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"Hey meung why haven't you been answering my texts?" Ongsa asked when she came across North who was standing in a queue.

"Hello to you too 'Sa." North replied.

"Ai'North! Where have you been the entire weekend?" Ongsa asked joining the queue behind her bestfriend earning herself some groans and mumbles from people behind them.

"Didn't you have a date this past weekend? How did that go?" North asked purposefully avoiding Ongsa's questions.

"It was incredible. North you don't understand, she looked so cute. We went to watch the movies and dinner Saturday. Then on Sunday we went hiking, then had a picnic together." Ongsa said gushing at the memories of the past weekend.

"Well I am glad you have a girlfriend now." North said to Ongsa. "Can I get an iced tea and a bottle of chocolate milk please." He said giving the cashier lady his bank card.

"Wait I don't want chocolate milk." Ongsa said brows furrowed in confusion. It was very bizarre for North to get her drink order wrong, throughout their friendship North had never gotten her drink order wrong.

"I know... that's not for you." North replied.

"If not for me, then who?" Ongsa asked curiously. As far as she knew North did you have any other friends he was close to, he had fans and acquaintances but she was his only friend.

"None of your business Sa." North replied with a teasing smile. "Thank you." He said to the lady who handed him the two drinks.

"I am your bestfriend." Ongsa argued following her bestfriend.

"Not by choice." North retorted.

"That’s so mean. You know you would be lost without me." Ongsa said.

"True..." North replied absent-mindedly looking around when they entered their classroom.

"What are you looking for?" Ongsa asked also looking around.

"Nothing. Ongsa be back in a sec." North said approaching the direction of Night, who seemed to be doing some calculations.

"Such a nerd." North thought to himself seeing the younger busy with calculus.

"I got you chocolate milk." North said placing the chocolate boxed milk on the table next to the boy's calculator.

"I didn't ask for one." Night replied glancing up at North before averting his gaze to his books once again.

"You didn't need to ask me for one. I am your boyfriend after all, so I have to take care of you." North replied opening the milk and handing it to the younger.

"You are impossible you know that?" Night replied with the chocolate milk in his hand, one wrong move then all his books will be smothered in chocolate milk.

Only North would cause such a scenario.

"So did you breakfast?" North asked and Night shook his head while chugging the chocolate milk.

"This is the first thing I had this morning." Night replied.

"Unacceptable. Let's go." North said grabbing Night's wrist.

"No...Where are we going?" Night asked resisting. All he wanted was to finish his assignment, sure it was only due two weeks from now, but he had the sense of urgency to do it.

"To get you breakfast of course." North replied.

"No need, lunch is in a few hours." Night replied stuck to his seat, refusing to get up.

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