chapter VIII

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"What's up loser?" Ongsa said taking a sit next to North drapping her slender arm around her friend's broad shoulder.

"Says the one who had been pinning over the same girl for years. If it wasn't for me you would still be single and pinning over Sun. So maybe you might want to retract your statement." North replied.

"Damn! You don't need to be so harsh." Ongsa said with a pout.

"Yeah yeah... I love you too Sa" North replied rolling his eyes.

"So how have you been?" Ongsa asked leaning her head and resting it on North's shoulder.

If anyone didn't know that Ongsa was a raging lesbian would believe that the two were actually a couple. Visually they were pleasing to the eye, with great chemistry.

"I have been good." North replied with his lips curling into a soft smile.

"Oho! Someone is in love." Ongsa said in a teasing tone. She watched with delight as her bestfriend colored crimson as he blushed.

"Shut up!" North said with feigned annoyance. It was so clear that North was head over heels in love with Night, even a blind man could see how in love North was.

"Oho look at you! You are a blushing mess... nong'Night has you wrapped around his little finger." Ongsa continued with the teasing, basking in the delight of seeing her bestfriend become a blushing mess at the mention of Night's name.

"I hate you!" North groaned, rolling his eyes. His ears turned scarlet, his cheeks tinted pink and his neck flushed.

"You are so cute." Ongsa said pinching his cheeks, and only laughed when North swatted her hands away.

"You are so annoying!" North replied and hurriedly left from where he was sitted leaving behind Ongsa laughing.

North loved Ongsa but ever since she got with Sun she has become insufferable. He couldn't decide what was worse. A pinning Ongsa or an Ongsa who was madly in love with her girlfriend.

Now that he thinks about it, both versions of Ongsa were insufferable. They both were simps, if he had to listen to more of Ongsa's monologues of how pretty and amazing Sun is he is probably going to puke.

Either way he is happy that Ongsa is with Sun because Ongsa's self-deprecating behavior has stopped and she has gained some confidence. Sun is so good for Ongsa, and that made him happy.

Ongsa was like his little sister, even though technically Ongsa was a few months older than him. Technicalities

He made his way to the library, which he visited more than he would wanted because his boyfriend was a giant nerd who spent most of his time in libraries or bookstores. Basically in vicinities of books in the pursuit of knowledge.

Boyfriend. North liked that he had a boyfriend. A beautiful, funny and incredibly intelligent boy who he can kiss at the library when no one was looking.

Night drove him nuts! At this rate he might end up being the same way Ongsa is. Maybe that's why they're bestfriends, they are both hopeless when it comes to love.

As he walked through the library he finally caught sight of his baby looking as beautiful as he always does, with his brows furrowed in concentration with the tip of his pink tongue peeking out of his incredibly plump cherry blossom pink lips.

Night was going to be the death of him. It should be criminal to look that effortlessly beautiful, especially while reading a astronomy and astrophysics textbook. Maybe he should sue, surely there must be a law that states that it is illegal for one person to possess such beauty and intelligent.

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