chapter II

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"North! Did you see Sun's new Instagram post?" Ongsa said tugging North's shirt.

"Ongsa how would I see it? I don't follow  Sun on IG." North replied.

"Look! Isn't she just gorgeous." Ongsa said showing North the picture.

"Yeah absolutely gorgeous." North replied after just glancing at the picture.

"Can you at least be a bit more enthusiastic?" Ongsa replied feeling slightly annoyed.

"Dude, Sun is a beautiful girl but she's just not my type." Night answered.

"What's your type then?" Ongsa asked curiously. When she thought about it, ever since she had become friends with North she has never seen the boy with anyone or heard him talk about anyone he was interested in.

"Why do you want to know? Are you interested?" North asked raising his eyebrows.

"Eww! No! I am just asking because I have never seen you date anyone or even talk about anyone you might be interested in. Don't you have a crush on anyone?" Ongsa asked.

"My type is you." North answered with a straight face and Ongsa looked at him with widened eyes, all color had left her face.

"What? Stop joking. I am serious." Ongsa said slightly hitting North on his shoulder.

"I am not joking." North said taking a bite of his food to hide his smile. He was messing with Ongsa and her expression was just priceless.

"North...Are you serious?" Ongsa asked softly, she was feeling a bit guilty thinking about all the times she went on and on about Sun infront of North.

"Of course I am not serious Ongsa." North replied laughing. "I am messing with you."

"You are such an asshole. I genuinely almost felt bad for a second." Ongsa replied  feeling relieved. She honestly didn't want to lose North as the boy was her only genuine friend.

"I love you na', but you are definitely not my type." North replied.

"Whatever! So what's your type?" Ongsa asked again.

"Geez Ongsa why do you wanna know?" North asked thinking that he had avoided this conversation when he decided to tease Ongsa.

"Because you are my bestfriend and I wanna know maybe I can help you out." Ongsa said.

"You can't even help yourself, how do you even plan to help me out?." North replied and took a chug of his drink. "Just focus on getting your baby girl first na'." North said ruffling Ongsa's hair and stood up picking up his tray to throw away his trash.

"Hey! North you asshole you messed up my hair." Ongsa said running after North who was now walking away from the cafeteria, going to class presumably.

They got to class with them bickering again, nothing out the ordinary. As soon as they entered the classroom they saw Sun talking to Night, they looked quite rather friendly.

"I really don't like that Night guy." Ongsa said and North replied "same here."

Sun noticed the two friends looking over their direction and she waved at them with a smile.

"OMG she waved at me! She knows I exist." Ongsa said excitedly.

"Of course she knows you exist Ongsa, you two have been in the same class since the 10th grade." North replied.

"Okay but she smiled at me." Ongsa said with a toothy grin.

"She's Sun, she smiles at everyone." North replied bursting Ongsa's delulu bubble.

Astronomy:When Stars and Planets Align.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora