chapter VI

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"North!!" Ongsa yelled running towards her bestfriend.

"Yah!" North replied.

"Are you avoiding me?" Ongsa asked looking at North skeptically.

"Why on earth would I ignore you Sa?" North replied.

"Well you still haven't replied to my texts." Ongsa said.

"Sa you literally sent me a thread explaining to me why Sun is the prettiest  girl in the world. So how do you expect me to respond to that?" North replied with a sigh.

North  honestly thought once Ongsa got together with Sun, she would tone down on the simping but it seems she's even more delusional.

"But she is the prettiest girl in the world both on the outside and inside." Ongsa said gushing over her pretty girlfriend.

"You have seen her insides? Damn Sa you move really fast." North said teasingly.

"No you Pervert! I meant she's pretty on the inside as in figuratively, as in like her character." Ongsa said slightly punching North on the shoulder making him laugh.

"You are planning on getting inside her though right." North said laughing, teasing Ongsa.

"You are such a Pervert North." Ongsa replied with her face twisted in disgust.

"I am just asking." North said chuckling.

"I am not going to talk about my sex life with you." Ongsa replied and immediately regretted her words because she knew already that North was going to tease her.

"Whoa! You guys are already having sex? Way to go Sa." North said laughing.

"I am not going to discuss that with you, and fulfill your disgusting fantasy of two women having cunnulingus." Ongsa replied.

"Sorry to bust your bubble friend, but two women having sex is in no way near to  any of my fantasies. If you haven't noticed I am gay." North said.

"You are gay?" Ongsa asked, her face now serious and slightly shocked.

"I literally have boyfriend Ongsa, if making out with boys is not gay then I don't know what is." North replied.

"I know you have boyfriend, but I just thought you were like bisexual or pan even." Ongsa said honestly. She had heard many rumors of North having girlfriends although never confirmed, the rumors fit North's persona.

"Well hate to break it to you, I have no romantic or sexual attraction to girls. If I did do you think I would have just stayed just friends with you?" North said  looking at Ongsa with raised eyebrows.

"I don't know, I just assumed I wasn't your type." Ongsa replied honestly.

"And what would be my type?" North asked curiously.

"I don't know, pretty, petite with long straight hair with a tiny waist and always have perfect skin and always wearing make up." Ongsa replied.

"Wow Ongsa do you really think I am that shallow?" North said shaking his head which made Ongsa feel guilty.

"That’s not what I meant North, okay tell me what would your ideal type be?" Ongsa replied.

"Probably someone like you?" North said leaving Ongsa almost speechless.

"Someone like me?" Ongsa asked with knotted eyebrows.

"Yeah someone pretty, funny, smart and has the same interests as me." North replied.

"I see... well if you would date a girl with the same interests as you why aren't you dating a guy with the same interests as you?" Ongsa asked, she had noticed that North and Night are polar opposites.

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