Off Sick

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As I walk into Kento's office lobby on Monday morning, it feels as if a new passion for work as been instilled within me. Not only has my earlier blunder with Satoru been smoothed out, but the extra work I completed over the weekend has meant that my week ahead shouldn't be too stressful.

I reach my office and throw my bag onto my desk as Shoko walks in.

"Can you look after this?" She tells me in a panicked manner before placing a mountain of files down on my desk.

"Good morning." I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm not in the mood." She says as I begin to sift through the papers. I see that it's various transactions and mergers that are all in the process of being completed.

"Why are you giving me a bunch of half-done work?" I question her as I read through another file.

"Satoru's off sick today." She says and I look up at her briefly before pretending to study the file once again. Shoko knows that we're on good terms again, but she doesn't know we're now exclusive friends with benefits, I'll break it to her another time when she's not so stressed. I think if I were to offload another piece of information onto her she would collapse judging by how stressed she is right now.

"Okay, so why do I have to manage all of his cases?" I ask her, still confused.

"Well, Satoru is never off sick. This is his first day in... forever." She explains and I feel a pang of worry in my stomach. He must be feeling really bad if this is his first day off ever. "His days are jam packed. Meetings back to back to back, and he has so many clients on the go at once." She explains whilst gesturing to the pages splayed across my desk. "This is just his itinerary for today, and I'm worried that if it doesn't get done he's going to be so behind."

"I see. Did he give you permission to give me these?" I ask, knowing already that he probably didn't.

"Erm. No." Shoko says and I place the file in my hand back on the table, closing it and various of the other open ones. "Come on Y/n! Who cares if he didn't give me permission?" She pleads but I shake my head.

"If you gave Satoru all my work to do if I was sick for one day then I would be mad." I tell her, not wanting to be on Satoru's bad side once again.

"Well, not to be rude, but half of the time he's pissed at you anyway so who cares if he's just a little bit more mad?" She explains and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Well actually, that's not the case anymore." I say as I walk past her to my office door.

"What do you mean?" Shoko says as she trails behind me, running to keep up as I pace down the corridor. I smirk back at her over my shoulder and she gives me a confused look. "Don't tell me..."

"Exclusive." I whisper to her as we enter the kitchen. She stares at me, mouth agape, as I begin to make two coffees for the both of us.

"You're joking, right?"

"Nope. It's not a relationship or anything, just... not sleeping with anyone else except for one another."

"And you got Satoru to agree to this? Satoru of all people?" She says as she raises her voice and I make a hand gesture for her to keep it down.

"Actually no, he's the one who suggested it." Her mouth falls open again and I put my hand under her chin, lifting her jaw up to close it.

"I don't believe it."

"Well, you don't have to. But I don't want him to hate me, so until you get permission, I'm not doing his work." I tell her and she gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Please Y/n, you saw how much work there was, if he falls even a day behind he'll never be able to recover!" She tells me dramatically and I look at her pitifully. "His ego would never allow me to ask you to help him, you know that, even if he wanted you to help he'd never admit it... Please Y/n, he's never been off work before and I'm worried his whole schedule is going to fall apart." She says and my eyes soften at the sight of her like this.

"I don't know Shoko..." I say uneasily.

"Please..." She begs again and I let out a long exhale.

"Fine. But I'm not doing any in person meetings. Tell his secretary to reschedule them. I'm only handling the paper matters." I tell her and she nods her head furiously. I know how hard Satoru works, most days he stays as late as me in the office. If he's really as ill as Shoko says he is, then it's not likely he'll be doing much work at home meaning it's quite possible he'll fall irrecoverably behind with his clients.

I pace back to my office with Shoko and she does a whistle stop tour of all the files, showing me the most important transactions and what needs to be done. I don't know how Satoru manages to do all this in one day... I hurry Shoko out of my office to let me get to work and begin the challenge of juggling both mine and Satoru's clients.

The day continues and I work constantly, Shoko providing an endless stream of coffee and pastries as I do so to keep me sustained. The clock ticks round to 11pm and an extremely tired looking Shoko drags herself into my office, holding what must be the seventh coffee of the evening.

She places it down on my desk and I take a sip after thanking her.

"You should go home." I suggest to her and she shakes her head.

"I'm the one who's making you do all this work. I'm staying until you leave." She tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Shoko, no. Please just leave, I could have refused the work if I wanted to." I tell her and she nods understandingly. "Plus, this is the last thing I need to do." I tell her as I hold up the final document I have to fill out.

"Okay, thank you." She says as she slips out of my office. I manage to complete the last item on my to do list within the next 20 minutes and leave my office promptly. My finger hovers over the Uber app so I can finally go home, but then I remember what Satoru said to me.

Weeks ago, when he came to my house to look after me when I was sick, he said that I could repay him by doing the same for him when he's ill. I remember it so vividly, and feel a twinge of guilt in me as I let out a load groan before stuffing my phone in my pocket. I think about what I could bring him, but every decent restaurant is closed by now.

Then I remember that Kento constantly has leftover food from the day, this means pizza from the free lunches and dinners that the firm provides, all to pastries and sweet treats (aka everything that Satoru and his stupid sweet tooth likes.) As I walk back into Kento's offices, I reminisce about his horrified face on my first day when he had realised that Shoko had eaten all the pain au chocolat since he was late to the partner meeting.

Oh how things have changed since then.

I'd like to think it's been change for the better though.

I re-enter the main office kitchen, it's different to the one on my floor and is much bigger with tables upon tables of free food. I pick out various different items, and they're all sweet. Considering the time, I imagine Satoru has already eaten dinner so there's not much point in me bringing him a three course meal. Instead I'll just provide him with dessert.

Once I'm happy with what I've chosen, I pack the treats into takeaway boxes and load them into two plastic bags which I carry one in either hand. I also raid Kento's first aid closet, taking various items such as hot compresses, painkillers and other items I might need. I don't exactly know what he's sick with, but it must be bad if this is his first day off ever, so I want to be prepared for whatever state he's in. I then successfully call an Uber this time, setting the destination as Satoru's house. The car pulls up to the familiar front gates and I step out, making sure I gather all of my bags with me.

I pace up Satoru's drive and see an unfamiliar SUV parked in the driveway, one I hadn't noticed the last few times I've gawked at his excessive car collection. I ascend the small flight of steps up to his porch and knock firmly on the double doors. I look back at the Range Rover, unsure of who's it could be. Maybe it's a new purchase?

As I'm distracted I hear the door fling open and whip back round in it's direction. My eyes widen as they greet someone other than Satoru, someone who I've never seen before. What is this random person doing here when Satoru's supposed to be ill?

𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now