Christmas Dinner

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Satoru and I eventually return to the main room as we make our way over to the dining table for dinner. The seating plan is a lot more informal this time, with the table arrangements paying no mind to rankings in the family. I'm sat next to Satoru and James is on the other side of me.

We're served a delicious meal, presumably prepared by a team of private chefs rather than anyone seated at the table right now, but that doesn't matter to me. As I look around the table, I realise that there's one person missing who I would have expected to be here.

"Where's Jake?" I whisper to Satoru after finishing a mouthful of roast turkey.

"Holidaying in the Bahamas with his new fiancée." Satoru replies with a roll of his eyes and my lips form an O shape of recognition. "Why, were you hoping to see him here?" Satoru says sarcastically with a playful grin.

"I think we're better off without him." I say as I return to my meal.

Once everyone finishes their main course, a variety of desserts are brought out, all ranging from chocolate Yule log to classic Christmas pudding. Of course Satoru loads his bowl up with practically everything on the table, plus a mountain of vanilla ice cream on top. I opt for a smaller, but just as wide selection of the desserts closest to me on the table.

I hear him make a satisfied noise as he takes the first bite of his mishmash of sweet treats and I laugh at his expression of ecstasy. I do think that he loves desserts more than me sometimes.

After a few minutes he turns to me. "Don't eat my food whilst I'm in the bathroom." He warns as he takes his napkin off of his lap and places it down on the table.

"I wouldn't dare." I say as I throw my hands up in innocence and he smiles in response before rising from his seat. As soon as he's out of earshot, I feel James tap my shoulder from beside me and I turn round to look at him.

"You two seem happy." He says with a sincere smile and I nod.

"We are." I respond and he sighs.

"I was surprised to see Satoru here tonight." James begins and I raise an eyebrow in questioning. "After he and his fiancée broke up, he didn't really attend the family Christmas parties." James finishes.

"Why do you think that was?" I ask.

"I don't think any of us truly know how Master Gojo's mind works." James says whilst looking over to where Satoru had exited the room thoughtfully and I nod in agreement. "Maybe it was bad memories, but I think he found it too embarrassing showing up alone after his whole family knew what had happened." James says and I wince.

"We're so alike." I mutter under my breath. Just like how I went to lengths to keep Satoru's infidelity a secret from my friends because of the embarrassment, Satoru couldn't face his family after they knew what happened with his ex.

"Hmm?" James responds and I shake my head.

"Sorry, it's nothing." I say, excusing my rambling.

"But he looks happy today. I'm so glad." James says and I can sense that he truly means his words.

Our conversation is curtailed when Satoru returns from the bathroom and I hear him sit down into his chair beside me.

"Oh, good, you actually didn't eat it." He says as he picks up his spoon and continues to dig into his medley of desserts. After people begin to leave the table, I face Satoru again and he looks over to me. I can't help but laugh when I see that he's got a large chocolate smear on the corner of his mouth, and he looks at me confused as I stifle a laugh with my hand.

"Here." I say as I beckon him towards me with my hand. He leans forwards cautiously and slowly as I wrap one of my hands round the back of his head and use the thumb of my other hand to wipe gently at the corner of his mouth. "You've got chocolate everywhere, you idiot." I tell him and he smiles in response. I'm taken aback when he leans forwards suddenly, capturing my lips in an open mouthed kiss as he does so. A taste of chocolate is left in my mouth as he pulls away and I feel my cheeks heat up.

𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now