An Old Tradition

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"You're going too quickly!" I laugh out as Satoru spins me round in his arms to 'Last Christmas' by Wham. It's not exactly your classic ballroom song, but after a few glasses of champagne, Satoru seems to think it's appropriate to waltz (to the best of our ability) to the Christmas tune.

He spins me round in hold repeatedly as we laugh together and other people dance around us too. Finally coming to a stop, he secures one of his hands around my back and the other extends my arm out to the left of us before he leans forward, causing me to arch backwards as he kisses me softly.

The moment is broken when I hear the click of a camera, only to look over and see Shoko attempting to sneakily take a picture of us. Tired from all of our dancing, Satoru and I then decide to leave the dance floor after Shoko's paparazzi stunt.

Soft, Michael Bublé Christmas music drifts through the party as people mill around the grand hall. We now sit at one of the many tables as we observe our surroundings.

Now that I don't have to worry about doing my speech, I can finally take in all of Shoko's hard work properly. It's safe to say that she's done a good job of decorating. There's an enormous Christmas tree positioned by the stage, adorned with various gold and red baubles and twinkling fairy lights. The walls are plastered with garlands stretching from wall to wall, and the tables on the floor are all set to perfection with festive decor too.

I lean forwards on the table and rest my head on top of my hands in contentment.

"Are you having fun?" I hear Satoru ask from next to me and I turn to look at him.

"It's nice." I reply with a smile. I don't know if what I'm feeling right now can be described as fun, it's more just... pure happiness. It's not exiting in the way that fun is usually described as.

"Yeah, Shoko did well." Satoru comments as I watch him scan the room briefly before leaning forwards onto the table, mimicking my position.

"We should decorate our home like this too." I say as I gaze back over to the Christmas tree longingly. I've been so preoccupied with work lately that I haven't even had a chance to put up any of my Christmas decorations.

"Our home." Satoru repeats my words and I turn to look at him. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up as I realise what I've just said.

"We-el... I think it would be nice to..." I begin before trailing off when I see Satoru's expression. He's got small smirk on his lips, and I give him a confused look in response.

"Our home." He repeats again as his grin grows wider.

"Oh stop it." I say as I hit his arm, pushing him away slightly. In response he wraps his hand around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.

"I like hearing you say that." He says softly and I smile before looking down.

"Well what else am I supposed to call it?" I say and Satoru laughs in response before sitting back in his chair and pulling me to lean against his shoulder.

"You're right." He says as his hand rubs small circles over my arm. I look around the room with a sigh, people are starting to leave as it's getting late. I then notice Shoko and Geto dancing together at the other end of the hall.

"Look." I say with a laugh as I point in their direction, and Satoru turns his head to look before laughing too. We sit contented for a few more minutes as I hum along to the festive music and Satoru taps his foot in time too.

"Do you want to leave?" Satoru asks me and I nod against his chest.

"Can we get food on the way home?" I ask and he smiles at me in response.

𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now