Fall Back Into Place

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Satoru finally finishes unboxing the takeaway and I go to jump down from the counter to help him carry the food to the living room. Before I can do so, he moves himself in front of me, stopping me from getting down. I give in a confused look in response as he smiles at me.

He pushes his torso in between my legs and brings himself close to me before whispering in my ear.

"Wrap your legs around me." He says, his warm breath fanning my face as he wraps his arms around me, pulling my body flush with his.

"Okay..." I respond quietly as I secure my legs around him and he lifts me up by one of his hands supporting my ass and the other supporting my back. He does it so effortlessly you'd think I was weightless.

I feel my cheeks begin to burn and I push my face into the crook of his neck to hide my expression as he walks away from the counter.

"You don't like the princess treatment?" He whispers in my ear and I pull back, aligning my face with his.

"No, I like it." I reassure him quickly and he laughs in response.

"So nervous..." He comments as he finally reaches the sofa, placing me down gently before crouching down to me. Before I can retort to prove I'm not nervous (I would be lying) he speaks again. "Don't move, I'll get the food." He says as he wraps his hand around the back of my neck, placing a kiss on my lips before disappearing back into the kitchen.

Maybe I should put Satoru in the dog house more often if this is how he acts once I let him out. I fold my legs up onto the sofa before he comes back into the room with chopsticks and the food before sitting down next to me.

I fiddle with the TV remote to put something on whilst he begins to tuck into the food and I eventually find something worth watching. It's funny how easily we've slipped back into our usual routine.

"Here." Satoru says from beside me and I tear my gaze away from the TV to look at him. He's got his chopsticks loaded up with noodles as he holds them out to me. "Have the first bite." He says to me and I lean towards him as he feeds me the food before pulling his hand away. The takeaway tastes just as delicious as I remember and brings back a wave of nostalgia. "Is it good?" He asks and I nod before picking up the second set of chopsticks and digging in myself. Satoru laughs at my eagerness before going back to his food.

After only one episode of the benign show we've been watching, we both manage to finish the food between us and I lean back satisfied. He does the same, leaning his head back on the sofa as he turns to look at me.

"I never got to thank you for doing my work that day." He says and I laugh.

"I'd forgotten about that." I scoff and he looks down sombrely. "You're welcome." I tell him as I hit his arm and he looks back up to me, his expression somewhat alleviated of the previous sadness. "Suguru said you're smoking more often now." I comment and he lets out a sigh.

"Mostly when I can't sleep." He says and I stroke my fingers up and down his arm repeatedly.

"You haven't been sleeping?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Me neither." I pull the blanket that's resting on the arm of the sofa onto my lap before unfurling it and throwing it across the both of us. I shuffle closer to him underneath it, and his arms stretches itself across the back of the sofa to round my shoulder as he pulls me into him.

"I think I'll sleep better tonight though." He comments before placing a kiss on the top of my head. Silence ensues for a few more seconds before the conversation begins again. "I was really worried about you yesterday." He tells me and I look up to his face in confusion. "In the rain?" He prompts and I realise he's referring to when I borderline collapsed into him outside our offices.

𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now