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"You tried to defend yourself against the cabron who came in and attacked you?"

"You bet I did." Mateo grinned back at him. "I wasn't gonna let him get away him it."

"That was very brave of you." Sr. nodded. "I'm impressed."

"So does that mean I'm not gonna be grounded?"

Sr. shrugged. "You can be free, but I'm still gonna watch you and your amigos after school. You need to study more, and not get carried away with socialising."

Mateo nodded. "I got a test in Science. I passed it."

"That's good." Sr. almost smiled. "Also don't be getting high off those painkillers. They cost real money."

"Okay, thanks for driving me this morning. I appreciate it." Mateo said as he undid his seatbelt. "I'm gonna be home late. I have track practice—"

"—I'm not too sure about that. You might have to pull out of sports for a while—"

"—And not help you. Luis is gonna have to step up. And Marisol too."

"I'm gonna deduct half his paycheck. What he did to you was uncalled for."

Mateo put his medication in his backpack, said 'bye' to Sr., and walked into school to go and see the sports coaches first:

"How long will you be out for?" Lopez asked. "We have a big game coming up. Do you know any replacements?"

"Put Ricky upfront; have him beside Max, put Chuck in defense, alongside Ochoa, and throw Castro in there too. We'll probably win two nil at least, and I'll be there to watch, I promise."

Lopez raised an eyebrow. "They're still suspended."

I know, but we need to win this game. I've been lacking support and George has been struggling with the awful defense you called up. I know they have another week to go, but we're not facing the Imps and getting beat ten-nil."

Lopez nodded. "Look, I'll think about it, but you better be there to watch."

"I will be, I'll make time on Fridays to go."

"The rematch is being replayed here. See you on Friday evening at seven–and you owe me one hundred pushups when you get better, for missing the game on Friday. I had to use Jimmy Garcia."

"Sorry, I wasn't well and I couldn't call you–"

"--I forgive you, but I'm giving you one last chance with me. Screw up again and you're off the team and out of a scholarship chance, got it?"

Mateo smiled. "Yes, I got it."

He then moved on to the track coach, Pires, and then the swimming coach, Montoya. They both thanked him for letting them know and hoped he'd get well soon.

When he got to science class, Ricky was waiting on him.

He sat down beside him, before taking some more tablets. "I feel like shit."

"And you look like it too." Ricky joked. "You seem outta it today–how many tablets have you taken?"

"Not enough."

Ricky nodded. "So I'm gonna need some too."


"I'm gonna be your assistant. And I'm not looking forward to writing down all those wrong answers." Ricky winked at Mateo, who was glaring back at him. "Kidding, but you owe me for real."

"Yeah, yeah. I will pay you back using the power of friendship."

"And fried chicken."

"Whatever," Mateo said as the next class began.

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