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That afternoon, Marisol and Ricky had some tortillas smeared with butter left in Tito's kitchen, before setting off their separate ways. Marisol went back to her house, and Ricky went back to his apartment.

He opened up the door and walked through to his bedroom to get a change of clothes when he noticed a familiar figure napping in his bed.

It was Mateo, wearing a vest top, ripped jeans, pink socks, and a straw hat hanging off his head. Ricky smirked and walked over to him.

He found a wet towel and set it on his face before sitting on it and farting loudly. Mateo instantly woke up and Ricky burst out laughing as he got off him.

"What the hell?" Mateo asked as he looked around, and propped his sling up carefully. "Ricky, did you do another waterbomb?"

Ricky was still laughing. "Aight? This was a good one."

"It smells like fermented caca."

Ricky smiled and looked at Mateo, who was fixing himself up. "Good usage of Spanish, there, but you need to vary your word choice a bit."

"Like what?"

"You can use popo instead of caca if you wanna be unique and show off. Everyone uses caca for poop."

"Okay, thanks." Mateo nodded.

"No problem," Ricky said, "how did you end up here in my room?"

"Honestly? Fur Ass, Max, and I went back to your place. Fur Ass got a bit tipsy, and Max helped him back, and I spoke to him, to keep him sane. All he could talk about mostly, was the damn play."

"Again?" Ricky laughed hard. "Did he start quoting random lines, and tell you that you should be practicing?"

Mateo nodded. "Exactly."

Ricky smiled. "He's so absorbed with this stupid play. He wants me to sing this song, but I haven't got a clue where to start. Can you teach me?"

"Sure, what time is it?"

Ricky looked up at the clock on the wall. "Half five, you hungry?"

Mateo nodded. "I could kill for a good meal right now."

"You wanna go to Electric Tacos?"

"Sure, it's open 'til seven tonight."

Ricky helped Mateo out of bed, and to get organized. He got him some of his old clothes to change into and helped him into the bathroom to freshen up.

Twenty minutes later, they made their way down to Electric Tacos and ordered two meals. They walked down to the back, to their usual seat.

Tito was there, drinking some hot chocolate and eating churros for dessert.

He was also rolling a cigarette.

They sat opposite him.

"Yo, Cous," Ricky said with a smile. "Sup?"

He looked up at them. "I'm great. You want some churros?"

Ricky shook his head. "We're getting food soon."

"Good." Tito nodded his head.

"So, why'd you leave us?"

"I had to go and do a job, you know?" Tito said. "Gerardo and me. Now, I'm hungry."

"Where's Gerardo?"

"He went back to his place. Why?"

"Just wondering, he's always with you when you do business," Ricky said. "He's like your left nut. He never leaves your side when you go do stuff together."

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