The First Meeting {1.}

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(This will be going from Blair's POV also I'm having to use a translator here and there since I barely know Spanish but I'm learning however Blair is bilingual so yeah)
As I walked out of the portal, I looked around and realized I was in a new area I've never seen before, 'This is so cool, wait why would you need a portal to get here? Also why are there so many spider people?? I thought I was the only one' I think to myself as Miguel turns around to look at me with his hands on his hips. "Welcome to headquarters. Each one of our members come from different universes of the multiverse and well you're our newest recruit as of now." He looks at me then chuckles, "I've been watching you for awhile now and you've proven to be quite strong yet you need work with not letting your emotions get to you." He then turns around and walks me around the place, "wait.. you've been watching me? That's kind of creepy." I say as he chuckles, "not like that" I shake my head as I follow him. He introduced me to a few members however one had the most adorable little baby ever which I believe was Mayday or something like that and another one was actually pregnant with a baby, what a coincidence, however as I was at awe in the place I didn't notice that Miguel was introducing me to some other member. "Hello? Earth to The Widow?" Miguel said as his snapped his fingers in front of my face, making me snap back to reality, "oh uh hi? Also you don't have to call me The Widow, you can just call me Blair" I chuckled before looking at who was in front of me, "Blair? Well isn't that a beautiful name" The guy said in a lovely British accent as he smirked. He was 5,11 and seemed to be a bit of a punk judging from his outfit and piercings, 'wait was that a British accent?' I think to myself. "The name is Hobie Brown or as some people know me as Spider-Punk" Hobie chuckles as he smirks, "Es realmente británico?" ("Is he actually British") I say with confusion as I look at Miguel, unsure if Miguel would understand what I was saying yet I didn't want to sound rude towards Hobie in which Miguel just nods. "Oh ok" I say as Hobie looks at me confused, "Miguel, what did she say?" Hobie asks as Miguel smiles and chuckles as he shakes his head, "She asked if you were British" Miguel then laughs a little as Hobie sighs and shoves his hands into the pockets of his vest jacket. "Sorryyy.." I say, laughing nervously, "it's fine. I'm a little offended but it's alright" Hobie says as he laughs then smiles as he places a hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to keep secrets from me, luv" he smirks then walks away, leaving me blushing slightly as I was trying to process what he said. 'luv? Is that something only British people say or was that meaning something else' I thought to myself before Miguel snapped me out of my thoughts, "anyways if you need me, ask Jessica or Margo, also here." He then smiles at me, hands me a watch device before walking away, leaving me alone.

"Hello!" Someone says behind me as I turned around and didn't see anyone then look up to see a fellow spiderman with markings on his suit hanging upside down and he had his messy hair sticking out of his mask, "uhh hello?" I say as he stops hanging upside down and lands on his feet in front of me, "My name is Pavitr Prabhakar! What's yours? Also I've never seen you around before! Are you new?" He asks as I nod, "I am however I'm Blair Rodriguez but call me Blair! I'm known as The Widow in my universe though" I say as he nods, "you have such a beautiful name!" I chuckle, "Mucho gracias!" ("Thank you very much") "I said it first though" a familiar voice says from behind me as I turn around and saw Hobie, 'why is everyone coming from behind me?!' I think to myself before I sigh, "well hello again Hobie" I put my hands on my hips and look up at Hobie, "Hello luv" he smirks then looks at Pavitr then begins to do their secret handshake until Hobie had Pavitr in a headlock, messing up his hair as they both laughed. "I was looking for you, Pav!" Hobie says with excitement as he laughed then let go of Pavitr from being in the headlock, "sorry! I was busy! Also have you seen Gwen?" "No, I think she's busy on a mission" I look at both of them confused, "Who's Gwen?" Pavitr gasps then looks at Hobie then back at me, "Oh you'll have to meet her! She's pretty cool and is kind of like you since your suit looks similar to hers" Pavitr says as I chuckle, "really?" Hobie just smirks as I say that, "Well she's actually willing to show her face, you know?" I gasp then cross my arms, "oh really? Well maybe my face is just that beautiful like my name!" I look away from him and sigh as Hobie chuckled, "Luv, don't be that offended but I kind of doubt your face is that beautiful" that ticked me off a bit as I look back at him, "Cállate, idiota británico tonto!" ("Shut up, you dumb British jerk!") I say as he laughed while Pavitr was getting a bit confused and concerned about the situation. 'what an idiot' I thought to myself, "I have no clue what you're saying but I bet it's something romantic since Spanish is one of the most romantic languages out there, luv" Hobie says with a smirk, "Hobie, is that true?" Pavitr asked as Hobie nods, "yeah mate, it's true." "Well its nothing romantic, I can reassure you that especially towards you, Hobie!" Suddenly a spiderwoman swings over and lands on her feet behind Hobie and Pavitr, "hey guys uhh who's this?" She asks as Pavitr gasps and giggles, "this is our new recruit! Her name is Blair!" Pavitr says as I sigh, "it's nice to meet you umm..?" "It's Gwen" she says as she walks up to me, taking off her mask to reveal the smile she had underneath. "I love your hair!" I chuckle as she laughs a little, "Thanks!" her and I both giggle yet I end up noticing that Hobie seemed almost memorized as he was looking at me but I didn't mind it much.

"So who's hungry?" Gwen said as she looks at Hobie and Pavitr, "oh I am!" Pavitr says as he seemed happy and energetic as Hobie chuckled and smiles, "I'm kind of hungry too" Hobie says as I look at him and sigh before looking back at Gwen, "I know I'm tired since I wasn't able to eat dinner in my universe." Gwen then pats me on the shoulder and smiles, "well let's go grab a bite then at the cafeteria also I love your suit" she says as I chuckle, "thanks!"

We all then swing over to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat.
[Total: 1,228 words]

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