Accident {4.}

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(possible corny alert🤭)
The next day I was so energetic, I was swinging and climbing over headquarters, having everyone's eyes on me as they witnessed the new recruit being so hyped for no reason then I saw Hobie and I swing over to him, he was fiddling with his guitar and then he looks up at me with a smirk, "Well hello there luv" he says in a gentle tone as I take off my mask and gas mask, "good evening, Hobie!" He chuckles, "By the way, I want to let you know that those empanadas were so good and maybe if you'd like, you can come hang over at my place and maybe jam out to some music, hm?" He says as he puts his guitar away, letting it hang from his back as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his vest jacket, "that seems lovely also I'll tell my mother that since she was the one that made them!" I smile bright before I began to calm down, relaxing as I let my hyper energy fade away. "Anyways you idiot, shall we head over to your place?" I smirk as he nods and boops my nose, "yeah but is it me or have you ever noticed how short you are?" He says, smirking even more. "I'm not that short!" I cross my arms and look away from him, sighing in frustration, "oh really? Because you're so small that.." he then picks me up bridal style, "..I can do this!" I panic a little as he picked me up so suddenly then I ended up having to hold onto him as he begins to run off with me, entering a portal to his universe.

Soon he steps out of the portal, we ending up in his room which was decorated with lots of heavy metal band posters and artwork that he did as well as a small picture of Queen Elizabeth on his wall. (I feel like every British person has a picture of the queen one way or another lmao yet correct me if I'm wrong if you do live in Britain) "can you let go of me?" I say as I cross my arms as Hobie grins and then pretends to drop me on the floor before somewhat catching me again, I screamed as he did so. "Aww was someone scared?~" he teased, laughing as he gently set me down on the bed, "Cállate!" ("Shut up!") I blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed, "hm?" He smirks as he tilts his head, looking into my eyes with a smirk, "that's so sweet of you, luv" he says with a sweet gentle tone. I sighed, "I literally said for you to shut up! It's nothing sweet anyways" I playfully roll my eyes and stick out my tongue out at him which caused him to blush slightly, "yeah, as if" he smirks even more as he sticks out his tongue out at me then winks, causing me to blush a bit more. Eventually the silence got to us and then I got up from his bed and look around his room, trying to break the silence, "nice posters! I like them!" I say as he chuckles, "thank you, luv" I smile at him then walk up to him, "I still don't know why you call me, 'luv', sometimes Hobie" I sigh, "I just can't help it, luv" he says then I head into his living room, looking around his place then all of a sudden he walks over to me with a grin and starts chasing me around his living room. "Hobie stop!" I yell out, laughing as I climb over his couch and continued running until I decided to jump onto the wall and climb over to his ceiling, sitting on the ceiling upside down, "cheater!" Hobie says, laughing before shooting a web onto my back from his web-shooter and pulling him down with a lot of force, catching me in his arms with a smirk, "caught you, luv~" he chuckles then sets me down back on my feet and then proceeds to tag me, "You're it!" He yells out before I start chasing him then soon I was on one side of the coffee table and he was on the other side, suddenly I begin to jump across the table and he quickly moves, causing me to hit my head on the corner of the TV stand. "Ow!" I was now laying in the floor, my head hurting yet whenever I touched it, some blood was visible in my hand. "Oh dios mio.." ("oh my god")

"Blair!" Hobie says in a panic and rushes over to me and kneels down, "I'm so sorry Blair! I didn't mean for you to get hurt!" I look up at him and he seemed so worried about me, "it's fine.. it was an accident after all!" I laugh nervously as my head was slightly bleeding then Hobie chuckled and pick me up bridal style only to move and gently set me down on the couch, "lay down for awhile, I'll be back" he says with care as he walks away then comes back with a band-aid and something to disinfect the cut on my head that I was slightly bleeding out of. I watched him kneel down and be so gentle as he disinfect my cut however when he did so, I hissed in pain, my retractable fangs showing, "ay that burns!" I say trying to process the slight pain I was feeling, "sorry luv" he says in a gentle tone, chuckling. As he placed a band-aid on the cut, I then sit up and face him, "thank you, Hobie" I smile as he smirks, "no problem, luv" he then stands up and looks down at me, placing a hand on my chin and forcing me to look at him as he smirks, "here.. have a kiss to heal that poor boo boo of yours~" he then proceeded to kiss the band-aid on my head before I could even say anything, "also who knew you had such fangs? Heh aren't you full of surprises and secrets, luv" he smiles softly as I blush.

I sigh then smile back at him, "thank you also now that you know I have such wonderful fangs, you got to be careful because I bite~" I begin to smirk as he blushes and laughs a little, "guess the shortie is actually tough after all~" he says with a grin as I gasp, "hey!" I yell out before playfully punching him in the chest, "jerk!" I begin to laugh as he laughs along with me.

'it's like my days become so much brighter when he's around.. I wonder why' I thought to myself as him and I smiled at each other.
[Total: 1,141 words]

🕸️Poisonous Love Bites🕸️  ~ {Hobie Brown x OC}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя