Good Morning

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Lilly yawned as she woke up from last night's sleep. She sat up and poked her thick, soaked diaper with her finger. She giggled, before opening the drawer and putting her cute froggy pacifier inside. She stepped out of bed and had her hand buried down the front of her pants, squishing the urine soaked undergarment. After going into the bathroom, she pulled her pants down, revealing her thick, swollen yellow diaper, before sitting on the floor and playing with it. About ten minutes later, she began taking her diaper off, and replacing it with a thinner Goodnite, and got dressed in blue jeans and a cyan T-shirt. She looked at herself in the mirror and stared at her slightly larger bum, before smiling, washing her hands, and going downstairs to the dining room. Mom was already up, sipping her morning coffee and reading the newspaper. She looked up at Lilly, and gave her a warm motherly smile. "Love you, sweety." She said kindly. "Love you too, mom." She said back, before heading to the kitchen to fix herself breakfast.

    She sat at the table looking at her phone and reading an article about the best diaper brands available. "How did you sleep, sweety?" Her mother asked, lovingly. Lilly looked up at her mom, and smiled. "Good. And you?" Lilly asked kindly. Her mom shrugged. "Not too bad." She replied. As Lilly ate, she heard a door click behind her. She turned her head to see her little brother, Sam, walk out of the bedroom and rub the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning." He yawned and stretched. "Good morning, Sam." Mom smiled. "How'd you sleep, bud?" Lilly asked. "Ah, I got some pretty good sleep. Yourself?" He asked, as he started heading to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. "I slept pretty well, thank you for asking. My diaper didn't leak like yesterday." She laughed a little. Sam giggled some as well. "Yeah, it's been getting a little better lately hasn't it?" He asked. "Well, I'd love to stay and talk, but I've got work to do." Mom said, before abruptly standing up, and walking over to Lilly. She kissed her daughter on the forehead. "Love you, sweety. Have a nice day." "You too, Mom." Lilly hugged her mother warmly. She walked over and kissed Sam. "Love you, be good for your sister." She hugged him before grabbing her purse and keys and walking out the door.

    Lilly looked at Sam, and smiled. He smiled back. "What do you want to do today, bud?" She asked him. "I dunno." He shrugged while buttering his bread. A mischievous grin spread across his face, as he evidently had an idea. "What?" Lilly asked. "Hmm? I didn't say anything." Sam looked at her, as he tried to wipe the grin off his face. "Why are you smiling?" She asked him. His grin broadened. "I just thought of something funny." He giggled. "Hmm." Lilly didn't believe her little brother for a second. She took another sip of her coffee, as she stared out the window. Sam sat with her, and began eating his toast. Lilly could feel her bladder start filling from her coffee. She carelessly released into her Goodnite, causing a slight hissing to begin ringing out. Sam took notice, but didn't say anything. When Lilly finished, her pull up was at about halfway capacity. After a minute Sam looked over at her. "You going to change that?" He asked. "Hmm?" Lilly returned his gaze. "Your diaper. Are you going to change it?" He asked again. "Not yet, it's not very full." Lilly shook her head. "Oh. Ok." He shrugged before taking another bite. "Why do you ask?" Lilly pressed. "I don't know. Just seems kinda gross to me. I wouldn't want to sit in my pee for an extended period of time." Sam shrugged again. "Well, it's not like you're sitting in a standing puddle. It absorbs in so you're not actually touching it." Lilly defended. "You know, it was only like three years ago when you were wetting pull ups." Lilly mentioned. "Oh, shut up, I was a bed wetter. I didn't have to wear them in the daytime." Sam said sharply. "Yeah but you still 'sat in your pee'." Lilly put up air quotes. "Hey, you're the one with the soggy pants, so I think that gives me an advantage." Sam was obviously getting annoyed. He hated it when anyone ever brought up the fact that he was late to being potty trained at night. "Sam, you're ten now. Nobody is going to make fun of you for the past." Lilly assured her little brother with a pat on the arm. Sam looked over to her and cracked a small grin. "I know, just a bit embarrassing that's all." He laughed a little. "Trust me, I have to wear them all the time. You weren't missing much getting made fun of." Lilly playfully hit him. "Yeah, probably not." Sam couldn't help but laugh more. The two siblings sat and laughed and talked more...

    Hello there

How's it going, folks? (I genuinely care about the audience, so feel free to talk about what's going on, because I love interacting with the fans) Anyways, this is the third installment in our friend, Lilly's, saga. Don't expect this one to get updates for a while as I'd like to finish the other two books first, but I wanted to give you some insight into what I have planned next.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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